The Book – The Spirits Speak on Success


Diane Marie Ford’s The Spirits Speak on Success never stops giving.  This sensory rich deeply moving collaboration with spirits is astonishing, down-to-earth, and uniquely insightful.  If you have ever wondered about the meaning of success, you’ll not find a more diverse and thought-provoking gathering of ideas and perspectives from the ‘afterlife’, the experts on the topic from beginning to end, literally.

Each ‘speaker’ leaves no holds barred in their frank opinions and compassionate yet firm advice to those of us still here in form.  We can change for the better…  Not only do these spirits want to help us, but they are readily available to teach and guide us if we simply open up to listen.  Ms. Ford provides both the platform and the podium.  This landmark work stands out as an unforgettable page-turner and living guide.”

Katharine Gilpin, Creative Healing Artist, SoundBody Therapist


Buddy March 2008 120

 Read my beloved canine companion Buddy’s contribution:

Success comes in many different sizes, shapes, and colors.  To me, a dog, (but you know that) success is a funny thing.

When you humans, two-leggeds, speak of success, my eyes twinkle and my heart skips a beat.  I believe we view it differently.

Success is a warm bed.  A belly full of kibble.  Someone to love you and someone you can love.

Success is companionship – being part of a pack, a family.

Success means being able to do what you want to when you want to.




Success – true success – in my estimation and from what I’ve seen, is comfort, joy, love.

It’s not about what you have or own – or how much of what you have or own – it’s more about how you feel and what you feel.

Sort of like peace.

Success is like peace.

Peaceful and complete.

Requiring nothing else.

Whole, perfect. Complete, care-free.

A warm bed.

A companion.

A full belly.

A good belly rub.

A state of quiet meditation.

Being lost in a dream.

Feeling safe, secure, loved.

A sense of belonging.

A good walk in a park or a run with other dogs.

A belly rub – did I mention a belly rub?

Success is a good belly rub.

Quiet, complete, loved.

Success is being part of a family who loves you.

Success is love.

If you have love and you are loved and you can love – you are successful.

[Buddynwolf, a.k.a. Buddy, our beloved dog.]

[Sir Buddynwolf Rowan Crowfeather GilpinFord, a.k.a. Buddy, was a magical canine companion and buddy beyond words.  His corgi essence fills my soul and brings a smile to my heart.  I delight in connecting with our animal companions and not only cherish but value their insight.  Wise beyond comprehension, Buddy is a great mentor and confidante.  I am elated he came through and shared.]


DMFord The Spirits Speak Success CThe Spirits Speak on Success says it all.  Thank you, my dear contributing spirits… my ‘spirit connections’ –

your willingness to show up and share the intimate details of your perspectives about success made this, our first book in The Spirits Speak series, possible. May our symbiotic collaborations continue to serve as a platform for self-expression, awareness, education and love.

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