As a rebellious young adult of the 1960′s I pushed boundaries, questioned authority and experimented with drugs and alcohol. Wise in the ways of testing my own limits and the limits of those around me – I was quick to learn my strengths and weaknesses. Street smart sense and witty intuition were my allies and taught me how to become savvy in the ways of the world at a young age.
Tussles with my own demons which nearly brought me to the brink of self-destruction and ruins, were actually a blessing in disguise. I realized the value of surrendering and stepping out of my own way, despite ego’s resistance to the contrary. I consider myself a ‘walking-miracle’ as I celebrated 32 years of sobriety on January 13, 2024. My sobriety continues to serve as reinforcement to the power of positive belief, faith and a more loving frame of mind.
Coupled with the gift of sobriety is freedom from keeping secrets and telling lies. Such freedom is priceless. My mission is to teach you how to connect with your own freedom, call upon your ancestors and loved ones in spirit to help you not only realize, but embrace the fact that we do take ourselves with us, as I endeavor to help you take that best version of who you are. There is more to life than meets the eye…
As a Spirit Communicator I co-counsel with spirit to discover, excavate and heal the deeply ingrained multi-generational beliefs which no longer serve your highest and best. Together we connect you with your wise self; the wisdom, power and passion of your ancestors and guide you to leverage your lineage so that you may emerge free from bondage in all realms.
My clients benefit from a unique blend of corporate savvy insight and education (having served over two decades in the corporate arena, holding positions as Human Resources Director to Manager of Training & Education) and spirit strong holistic and multi-dimensional training and personal development.
Fostering clear communication and striking a balance has always been a strong suit, as well as my natural ability to provoke thought, fully listen to and clearly see and offer all sides of an issue, while facilitating the creation of positive change.
Listening to my soul’s calling, I left the corporate world in 2003 and co-founded Listen To Thyself, a holistic collaborative, while attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. My health and wellness practice took on a life of its own when spirits began presenting themselves during one-on-one sessions. Due to the fact that connecting with other energies and entities appeared to be effortless for me ‒ I denied their existence. I thought because it came so easily to me, it must not be real, that is until their voices and messages became too prominent to ignore.
My spirit companions, those who desperately want to connect, found this behavior to be totally unacceptable. They continued to knock and knock upon my door until one day I decided to trust in the possibly of this being the ‘real deal’ and respond to their knocking. I opened the door. I began to bring through my client’s ancestors and loved ones with the intention of helping my clients understand their ‘roots’, strengthen their life force and reclaim power. In doing so, I have come to realize we provide the spirits an opportunity to share their love, wisdom and insight from the afterlife.
My holistic practice now encompasses a unique blend of counseling with you ancestors and loved ones in spirit, life coaching, powerful spiritual guidance as well as health and nutritional counseling. Passionate about and committed to co-counseling with spirit, I help you access your ancestral assets, connect the dots and bring you closer to your loved ones by bringing them closer to you.
Diane is the Founder & CEO of Listen To Thyself, a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Class of 2003, Board Certified Holistic Health Counselor; accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), Certified Reiki II Practitioner, Certified Money Breakthrough Method Coach®, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner, Writer, Author of The Spirits Speak on Success and Co-Author of “If Only I Knew The What I Know Now” Women’s Stories of Discovery, Inspirational Speaker and lover of all God’s creatures, great and small. She is a columnist with the Free Bird Times, has written articles for several magazines including Aspire, South Shore and Cape Cod Metaphysics and Lean Toward Happy.