Forgive and Forget

Grudges do not feed a soul nor do they make a soul successful – do not take grudges to the grave.

We are sometimes fueled by a good grudge. The anger keeps us going. The longer we’re angry, the more fuel we have to burn, the larger the flame. The more power we give to the grudge – or holding the grudge – and before we know it, the grudge has completely consumed us and there’s no going back – no putting out the fire.

So my suggestions for a happy, productive life is do not take grudges to the grave.

Forgive, forget and enjoy life.

Simply signed ‘Edna’.

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Wave of Awakenings

Now is the time for all good women to step up, step forward, carry the lanterns of light and initiate change.

We are a collective of women from past generations who have bound together to bring forth the light.

We are gathering en masse to assist through this dark period.

It is NOT as dark as the darkness of past – and it holds great possibility and hope but we must march – we are marching and we know we will make a difference –

The question is – will you? Read More

Success is Being Open to Receive

Among my many joys when writing my book The Spirits Speak on Success, was the contribution of our animal companions who gifted us with their voice, their story.

Day 19


It truly is amazing the number of incarnations we take on in our __________________.

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We Never Leave

My spirit collective reaches out to me on a regular basis. They have been expressing their concern and doing their best to receive the many souls crossing over. They feel our pain and grief and want us to know they need us as much as we need them.

They share:

We never leave – you do. We are always standing by ready to go.

We may knock and you may not hear us.

We may present ourselves to those who cannot hear us, but we never leave.

And we understand.

We understand that you may get caught up in day to day living.

We understand the challenges and time constraints of being a mere mortal.

And we never leave. We are standing by. Read More

Together Throughout Eternity

In light of our current collective psyche and as we embark upon a New Year, it is important for you to know that you are not alone.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of tuning into your loved ones in spirit to allow them to illuminate your way, provide you with guidance and strength and simply be here for you. I cannot emphasize how much they need you. And how much an open line of communication reassures them and you.

A most recent message from my spirit collective reinforces this importance;

We never leave you – you do.

We are always standing by ‘RTG’ – ready to go.

We may knock and you do not hear us, we may present ourselves to those who cannot hear, but we never leave.

And, we understand. Read More

Take Heed

“I can take all the madness the world has to give, but I won’t last a day without you.”
Lyrics from a popular song from days of yore. Lyrics very applicable to today.

There is a great deal of madness in this world as I write, as they speak. A great deal of unnerving deaths and a great number of people having to face the day, any day, without their “you”. Their someone special, significant other, child, parent, sibling.

The word unnerving cannot be stressed enough.

One death is far too many. 140,000 and counting are not only unfathomable, they are unnerving. So what’s a person to do?

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Affirm to Transform

Do you have a practice or philosophy by which you live? I do. I live by and practice the philosophies of A Course in Miracles (a spiritual psychotherapy) and Science of Mind (the teachings of Religious Science). One of the most influential, and one of my most revered Science of Mind ministers was Louise Hay.

During recent mediation and prayer time, which is also when I receive messages from my spirit collective, I was guided to Louise’s book, Heal Your Body, which is a quick reference guide to the Problem and Probable Mental Pattern behind dis-ease in your body.

Given our current state of affairs with COVID-19, I was not the least bit surprised when I was directed to explore the book for Viral Infections. This is what I found; Read More

Trust Without Question

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times.

What you focus on grows, and while there may be some truth to that, we offer this different perspective…

It has to do with getting out of your own way and allowing nature, our divine life force, our highest self, our intuition, or internal guiding system do her thing.

Do you think for one moment the tiny, infinitesimal seed focuses on expanding and pushing through the soil, to sprout and grow upward? Do you think it focuses on being the best damn petunia or tomato plant in the universes, or might it simply be following its innate calling? Stepping aside and allowing nature to do her thing?

Do you think the tiny embryo of a bird focuses on feathering out and cracking through that eggshell, to reach skyward and fly? Or does it simply trust its intuition and divine plan, its innate drive or predisposition to one day soar through the skies? Read More

The Spirits Speak – Do You? Part II

This is not the time to sit back and relax, withdraw or not say one word. This is the time to take a stand for what you believe in, be seen and speak out.

We certainly can speak out against injustices, or speak up for what we believe in, but our loved ones in spirit are not able to do so. They come forth en masse, asking us to be their voices, to speak for them, help them self-express.

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A Simple Way to Achieve Success…

What if everything you were led to believe about the definition of success amounted to a hill of beans?

What if everything you put your heart and soul into in an effort to achieve that pinnacle of success was all for naught?

What if you invested years and maybe even decades of your time climbing to the top of the mountain only to realize it left you feeling flat, uninspired and unfulfilled?

Would you rethink your plan – or do anything differently?

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