Beyond Our Five Senses
People are often in wonder by my ability to connect with our loved ones in the afterlife.
My clients want to know if I can hear their mother talking and if so, what does she sound like?
People are often in wonder by my ability to connect with our loved ones in the afterlife.
My clients want to know if I can hear their mother talking and if so, what does she sound like?
There are so many great subjects we learn about as we move through the many stages of life and the many grades of schooling we receive.
However, there is a subject which was never talked about in school, let alone taught, and that was the subject of life after death, or the afterlife.
How often have you felt isolated, alone, and wished you had someone to talk to? Someone with whom you could hash out nagging issues, run something by, discuss options and alternatives and feel connected, supported and loved?
Imagine if you knew there would always be someone there when you needed a helping hand or a caring, compassionate ear?
We take ourselves with us wherever we go – even to heaven my friends, yes, even to heaven.
Yes, the heavens are rocking and our ancestors and loved ones in spirit are talking! They are talking about important issues facing each and every one of us in this day and age. They are sharing their wisdom and insight and teaching us from their past mistakes and successes. Their messages are coming through loud and clear yet many of you are still unable to hear.
Nearly twenty years ago a woman by the name of Hope touched my life and changed it for the better, without even knowing she had done so. We were brought together by a common denominator at a time in my life when grief ruled supreme. I felt as if I had been fractured into a million pieces.
Having been raised a Catholic during the 1950s I was always fascinated with the story of the resurrection. I was taught to believe that we will all be reborn and I marveled over that possibility….
“Imagine”, I thought, “never really dying? Imagine, our spirits living on forever? Imagine never having to say goodbye to our parents or grandparents?” And “Imagine what it would be like knowing that one day we will all be together again?” The possibility provoked deep thoughts and filled me with hope.
No one enjoys grieving – that’s a given, but if you stop to think about it – grieving does play a necessary and important role in the death and healing process.
Losing a loved one, whether an animal or person, is a shock to our system. Whether their death was sudden and unexpected or slow and expected, it is a shock to our system.
February is referred to as the month of love. It is traditionally symbolized by hearts, harps, cupids and roses and celebrated among us, the living. Imagine if, during the month of February, we resurrected an ancient tradition and honored our loved ones in spirit as well?
Thank you all for helping me make 2014 such a success!