Ghosts, Goblins & Grief ~ Strange Bedfellows

Halloween has always been remembered as the time of year when ghosts are astir and magic is in the air. It conjures up images of witches, pumpkins, ghost and goblins. The celebration of Halloween is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts.*

Why would anyone want to ward off ghosts; roaming or otherwise?

I am of the belief ghosts and goblins have always gotten a bad ‘rap’ and are quite misunderstood. What if we were to look at these entities through different lenses? What if we welcomed their presence and took solace in their visits?

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Power and Possibilities Await You

What will it take for you to fully accept the power and possibilities which await you?

We, your loved ones in spirit and I, know you are out there and we know you know the truth of the matter. This article is for you. For those of you who dismiss the idea of connecting with your ancestors and loved ones in spirit, but still have a lingering curiosity and feel drawn to continue reading, this article is for you.

You do not have to wait until you are on the precipice of disaster to reach out for help. Asking for help should not be treated as a last ditch effort. You need not find yourself forced into a proverbial corner, nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, to realize you need help. That type of behavior is unsettling and wreaks havoc upon your entire system. Read More

Your Independence Begins Now

You are as independent as the ties which bind you. Your lineage dictates your behaviors and on some level directs your way of thinking. That is until it does not.

You are most likely familiar with the expressions “you are a product of your upbringing”, or “you are a product of your environment”. My theory is you are a product of your ancestors’ mindsets, beliefs and behaviors; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. And you will never be totally independent until you take the time to discern which mindsets, beliefs and behaviors belong to you and which belong to your ancestors; parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.

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‘Old Dogs, New Tricks’

There are so many lessons to be learned from the spirit realm. Lessons we were either unable to ‘take in’ when our parents attempted to teach us many moons ago – or lessons we were not ready to learn when our grandparents walked this earth plane wishing to share their experience and advice.

It is however, refreshing to know it is never too late to learn and yes, my dear, it is never too late to teach ‘old dogs new tricks’. Read More

Call Your Mother!

Call your mother! How often have you heard those words over the course of your lifetime? It doesn’t matter if you are young or old or somewhere in between… if you have ever had a mother or a mother ‘figure’ in your lifetime, you have heard the words “call your mother”!

If you are thinking about calling your mother right now and can do so – you may want to pick up the telephone and make that call. You know your mother will be happy to hear from you.

If you are thinking about all the opportunities you had over the course of your lifetime to call your mother, but you did not, regret not – I will help you to do so now.

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We Are All In This Together

We are all in this together and I am grateful for that knowing. There are times in your life when you experience heartbreak, betrayal and wrong doing by hurtful people. But let it be known for the record love and truth will always prevail. It is good to know and trust in the power and guidance of your ancestors and loved ones in spirit – they will never steer you wrong and always, always have your best interest at heart. Read More

Heart of My Heart

Heart of My Heart

Just because the love of your life transitioned into spirit does not mean you cannot spend some time together on Valentine’s Day. As a matter of fact, if you listen closely, pay attention to the details, and notice the signs, chances are you will realize your loved one is reaching out to you, attempting to make a date. Yes, a date. A date with you.

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Ring in the Old

There is no better time than the beginning of a new year to wax sentimental. Sure, we give thought to our loved one’s in spirit each and every day, however, when the season of love and giving comes around thoughts of our loved ones become front and center on our minds.

As you ring in the New Year, ring in old familiar feelings of love, family and connection, and call upon your loved ones in spirit to pay a visit. Because they are usually willing and able to visit on a whim or a prayer or a request, you can call upon them whenever you like. As a matter of fact, most likely they have called upon you more often than you realize or are willing to admit. Read More

(There’s No Place Like) Home For The Holidays

Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze
For the holidays you can’t beat home sweet home*

Every time I hear that song I am transported back in time to the days of yore. Transported back to the days of my mother happily preparing for the holidays, bedecked in a Christmas apron, decorating the house in her usual flair and baking all sorts of cookies and sweet treats. As far as I was concerned, my mother, Leah, was the star on the top of our Christmas tree; her jolly presence set the house ‘aglow’.

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Thankful For My Spirit Support Team

I am thankful for the business I created over a decade ago, which serves not only individuals seeking to connect with their loved ones in the afterlife, by way of a reading here and there, but those individuals who seek a connection and ‘then some’.

The ‘them some’ I refer to is deep, meaningful, lasting lifestyle changes, and/or counseling, guidance and strategy to deal with life altering upsets or challenges you may find yourself suddenly embroiled in.

We achieve those deep, meaningful, lasting lifestyle changes and/or counseling, guidance and strategy by calling forth and assembling our ancestors and mentors in spirit, and creating our very own ‘Spirit Support Team’.

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