“Many of us go to the grave harboring resentment and never have an opportunity to say I’m sorry. Believe us when we say as soon as you arrive in the afterlife, there you are.
So what does that mean, you may be thinking?
It means you carry yourself with you wherever you go. What we were unable to ‘work’ on in the flesh, we can work out in the spirit. Our personality, grudges, and love, among many quirks and attributes, remain a part of us in the afterlife.
Many of us have never been given an opportunity to ask for forgiveness, nor offer forgiveness because you will not listen, you cannot hear our voices, we knock yet no one answers. We intend to change all that. We are reaching out and those who choose to listen, hear, and be of service are helping us. Forgiveness is the key to living a rich, rewarding life of happiness. Help us. Help you.”
This message from my Spirit Collective follows a common theme, one which they express over and over again.
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