The Language of Love

The language of love is an unspoken language. It is communicated through emotions, thoughts and feelings. My communication with those in the spirit realm is based in love and words are not needed to inspire or maintain a connection.

The language of love is a beautiful language. As long as the heart is open and willing to give and receive, connections are fluent and conversations ebb and flow as effortlessly as the tide washes in and out.

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New Year Resolutions for All!

A new year typically inspires new resolutions. As you turn the calendar page you find yourself resolute once again. Your mind races with the thought of achieving unlimited possibilities. For many, the beginning of a new year goes hand-in-hand with clearing the slate as boundless opportunities stretch out in front of you.

You resolve to begin anew; to pay more attention to how you fuel and care for your fabulous body, or maybe you will find a new job this year, or perhaps give up an old (less than desirable) habit. Whatever you decide, you absolutely decide to pay more attention and focus on achieving your goals.

The beauty in it is that you possess the power to put your resolutions into action. How fabulous is that?  You are in complete control.  To quote Henry Ford; “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

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Ghosts, Goblins & Grief ~ Strange Bedfellows

Halloween has always been remembered as the time of year when ghosts are astir and magic is in the air. It conjures up images of witches, pumpkins, ghost and goblins. The celebration of Halloween is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts.*

Why would anyone want to ward off ghosts; roaming or otherwise?

I am of the belief ghosts and goblins have always gotten a bad ‘rap’ and are quite misunderstood. What if we were to look at these entities through different lenses? What if we welcomed their presence and took solace in their visits?

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Rule Breaker Awards Nominee 2017

My philosophy “we take ourselves with us when we go” focuses on excavating the best damn version of who you are. Challenging the belief ‘life ends when you die’ has opened an entirely different and unique perspective on how to live.

Traditional counseling focuses on the living; my revolutionary counseling provokes thought, creates connection and conversation and brings the dead to life; providing you with no-nonsense, powerful results and has earned me a nomination for the 2017 Rule Breakers Award.

Please take a moment to cast your vote in my direction – and share with your friends, if the spirit moves you.

Click right here and make your vote count!

(Simply type my name in the Search Box: Diane Marie Ford and give me a Thumbs Up, baby.

– In order to cast your vote you will need to register. I sure do appreciate you taking the time and making the extra effort – thank you!

Call Your Mother!

Call your mother! How often have you heard those words over the course of your lifetime? It doesn’t matter if you are young or old or somewhere in between… if you have ever had a mother or a mother ‘figure’ in your lifetime, you have heard the words “call your mother”!

If you are thinking about calling your mother right now and can do so – you may want to pick up the telephone and make that call. You know your mother will be happy to hear from you.

If you are thinking about all the opportunities you had over the course of your lifetime to call your mother, but you did not, regret not – I will help you to do so now.

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Ring in the Old

There is no better time than the beginning of a new year to wax sentimental. Sure, we give thought to our loved one’s in spirit each and every day, however, when the season of love and giving comes around thoughts of our loved ones become front and center on our minds.

As you ring in the New Year, ring in old familiar feelings of love, family and connection, and call upon your loved ones in spirit to pay a visit. Because they are usually willing and able to visit on a whim or a prayer or a request, you can call upon them whenever you like. As a matter of fact, most likely they have called upon you more often than you realize or are willing to admit. Read More

The Lightness of Being

“Many of us go to the grave harboring resentment and never have an opportunity to say I’m sorry. Believe us when we say as soon as you arrive in the afterlife, there you are.

So what does that mean, you may be thinking?

It means you carry yourself with you wherever you go. What we were unable to ‘work’ on in the flesh, we can work out in the spirit. Our personality, grudges, and love, among many quirks and attributes, remain a part of us in the afterlife.

Many of us have never been given an opportunity to ask for forgiveness, nor offer forgiveness because you will not listen, you cannot hear our voices, we knock yet no one answers. We intend to change all that. We are reaching out and those who choose to listen, hear, and be of service are helping us. Forgiveness is the key to living a rich, rewarding life of happiness. Help us. Help you.”

This message from my Spirit Collective follows a common theme, one which they express over and over again.

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Lessons You Are Not Taught In School

There are so many great subjects we learn about as we move through the many stages of life and the many grades of schooling we receive.

However, there is a subject which was never talked about in school, let alone taught, and that was the subject of life after death, or the afterlife.

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Motherless Daughters

Nearly twenty years ago a woman by the name of Hope touched my life and changed it for the better, without even knowing she had done so.  We were brought together by a common denominator at a time in my life when grief ruled supreme.  I felt as if I had been fractured into a million pieces.

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