Animals Too!

Would you agree that our canine, feline and other non-human companions/family members are as important to as our human companions?

They have their own special way of communicating; we understand and respond accordingly. Oftentimes, we refer to them as our ‘buddy’, ‘good friend’ and ‘family’. We form tight, loving bonds and are often left devastated when our animal companions transition to cross over the ‘rainbow bridge’.

Perhaps you have lost an animal companion and experienced the exact same cycle of emotions as you did when you lost a human family member, friend, spouse or partner. I suspect you know what I am talking about. The same seven stages of grief, as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: shock or disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression, acceptance and hope, apply to the grieving process whether you grieve for a human or an animal. Read More

Be Like the Solstice Sun

Many of you are making up for ‘lost time’, the time you were previously confined to your home, the time you were unable to visit with family and friends, or the time you were simply unable to go about your business.

Nowadays there appears to be a certain type of frenetic energy afoot, people running here and there, returning to their daily routines.

But what do you think happens when you go, go, go all the time? You will most likely burn yourself out, find it difficult to catch your breath or wind up running on empty until you peter out altogether.

It does not have to be that way.

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A Mother’s Connection is Eternal

Are you among the hundreds and thousands of women and men who feel a deep sadness and experience an indescribable emptiness concerning the ‘loss’ of your mother, during the month of May?

You cannot help but be reminded of her absence when you are bombarded with an overabundance of flower vendors set up on street corners, jewelry ads running around the clock on the television, and colorful greeting cards adorned with flowers and words celebrating mothers.

Now don’t get me wrong – I love celebrating mothers, and Lord knows they deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated. I remember the first Mother’s Day after my mother, Leah’s, passing – I bought cards for every mother I knew. It was my way of expressing my love and gratitude for my mother.

When the month of May rolls in, there can be a twinge, a bit of a challenge to get through ‘the day’, if your mother is no longer in the physical form. That ‘loss’ pulls at your heart strings and turns an otherwise celebratory day, into a day of sadness and sometimes regret. Read More

Time ~ A Precious Commodity

If you cannot be all things to all beings, be the best you can be to those with whom you share your life. Rather than stretching yourself thin and doing something half-baked, spread yourself thick and do it wholeheartedly. Many attempt to be all things to all beings and fail miserably or otherwise, which only makes the situation, or yourself, worse off.

While there is something to be said for spontaneity – bravo – there is also something to be said for thinking things through and moving forward with forethought and gusto.

Time is your most precious commodity and often time gets shortchanged because you live with the illusion that it is plentiful and never-ending. That is what you are led to believe. However, that is not the truth of it all. Read More

Always With Us

Our loved ones are always with us, in spirit or otherwise. Then why, as the holidays are upon us, do many grieve the loss of their loved one(s)?

I agree that a physical presence is potent – you can embrace, engage, converse and commiserate with a physical being. However, you can do the same with a loved one in spirit – yes, you may even embrace them!

In order to do so, you must simply believe.

How many of you think you may have had an encounter with a loved one in spirit? Perhaps you heard a voice, received a message, saw an image or likeness, inhaled a familiar scent or fragrance. When that thought crosses your mind, do you dismiss it or do you embrace it?

The choice is yours. Read More

Every Eve is All Hallows Eve

Every eve is All Hallows Eve as far as we are concerned. Yes, we can move through swiftly when the veil is at its thinnest. However, we can move through swiftly and effortlessly anytime providing our conduit, our medium is open, ready to receive and able to get out of her way.

The willingness to listen and be fully present is another prerequisite. You see, we choose the channels of communication we find to be the most accessible. We carefully choose our conduits. There are certain criteria we look for before we reach out to make a connection.

Since it requires some effort on our part, we seek those who are open and able to feel or see the big picture… those who can intuit our visit ahead of time; who ‘set the table’ so to speak, awaiting our arrival because they psychically know we are en route.

Because our connections are so rich and deep and because we long for a meaningful conversation, we seek those who can naturally hold a space for meaningful conversation … two, three, four or more way conversation, with grace and ease. Read More

Appointment Not Necessary

Do you remember a space in time when appointments to call a friend or relative were not necessary? A space in time when you simply picked up your telephone and called whomever you wanted, whenever you wanted? If you wanted to chat with a friend, or tell your mother something, you did just that?

When did making an appointment to make a call become ‘a thing’ and better yet, why did making an appointment become the only way to make a call?

It feels counter-intuitive, in a society where everything is available in the moment, on the spot, by the click of a mouse or the touch of a screen to have to schedule a date and time in order to have a conversation with someone. And to schedule, you must text, email, DM, send up smoke signals or use Morse code.

When did we become this kind of society? Read More


“Why did he do it?” “If only I had asked.” “I could have spent more time with her.” “But I never told him how I feel.“ These and many other questions race through your mind. They pop up when you least expect them, overlay a feeling of guilt and send you into a deep funk.

And I mean a really deep funk and really oppressive guilt. The type of funk which leaves you feeling as if you weigh a million pounds, making it difficult for you to move. Maybe it causes you to feel so sad that you cannot get out of bed, or off the couch. Perhaps you are the type of person who seeks solace in food, good old fashioned comfort food.

Whichever type of funk you may find yourself in, or no matter how oppressive your perceived guilt makes your feel, I am here to let you know you have options.

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Love ‘Em, Don’t Eat ‘Em

Awareness of animal exploitation began when a friend ridiculed me for my lack of awareness that milk was produced by lactating cows. I had never given that a second thought — and why would I?
I had been blindly going about my life eating animals and drinking their milk.

It took only one click on the World Wide Web to set me on a new path. I began to consume more information and fewer animals. Curiosity fueled my journey, and I never looked back.

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Set Your Table to Include Your Loved Ones

The holidays are fast approaching and your ancestors and loved ones in spirit long to participate in your family gatherings. I am reminded time and time again of their need to be acknowledged and to be ‘a part of’.

They, your loved ones in spirit, strive to make a connection with you – some do, many do not. I give them credit because they never relinquish that ‘spirit’, they never give up trying. Take comfort in the knowing that they will never give up, no never –not until they connect and communicate with you.

I am also told you can make it a great deal easier for them to connect with you if you tune in and surrender your skepticism. Simply give the possibility of connecting a try. Read More