Have you ever wondered what it would feel like if you were eternally accompanied by someone who loves you as deeply as you love him or her? Someone who ‘has your back’ and is always available to provide advice and guidance?
Yes – Every Eve is All Hallows Eve
Every eve is All Hallows Eve as far as we are concerned. Yes, we can move through swiftly when the veil is at its thinnest. However, we can move through swiftly and effortlessly anytime providing our conduit, our medium is open, ready to receive and able to get out of her way.
Who’s Teaching Whom?
‘Who’s teaching whom?’ That is the question of this month.
As we prepare to return to school and step into the spirit of academia once again, I wonder if it has ever crossed your mind as to who is teaching whom? I’m referring, specifically, to schooling with spirit.
Set Yourself Up for Success
Do you believe you control your destiny or do you believe your destiny controls you – or, do you believe it’s a little bit of both – a give and take of sorts?
If you were able to control your own destiny – fully – in every aspect – would there be magic, synchronicities, impromptu moments or things done and actions taken “on a whim”?
If your destiny did control you – would you think for yourself, be creative, make your own decisions, or would you be a slave to all that is put before you… a thought processing machine?
Because I’m Happy
Just How Happy is Happy?
And is enough happiness enough?
Is too much happiness too much?
And is there such a state of mind or being – to be or to experience too much happiness?
Trust Your Intuition and Take the Leap
You honestly know more than you think you do –
You have to believe – to thine own self be true.
March To The Beat Of A Different Drummer
Fitting in was never my bag. Though I longed to – I never did. I always marched to the beat of a different drummer – the drummer which is my soul’s essence.
I didn’t rail against society and its conventional standards. I longed to be seen as ‘normal’. My valiant attempts to ‘change’ and be like ‘them’ never worked.
I stood out.
I stood apart.
I wasn’t unpopular – I just never fit in.
Fitting in didn’t feel like a good fit.
Question Everything
How often have you walked away from a conversation, left a meeting, or a get-together and thought: damn, why didn’t I ask that question?
Then you went on your merry way racking your brain, repeating the question over and over, arriving with a slew of possible answers, not knowing which might be correct?
Add that question to your list of unanswered questions or questions to be asked at a later date.
Listen To Your Mother
Failsafe advice from the woman who gave you life.
While we are on the subject of listening, I just have to share my thoughts on a subject near and dear to my heart – my mother, Leah.
The Art of Listening
“Say it loud, say it clear ~ You can listen as well as you hear.”
Do you remember those lyrics from the 1988 song; The Living Years*?
You’ve most likely heard that song a hundred times or more – but did you actually listen to it?