Cross That Bridge

Levels of stress, anxiety, worry, sadness and anger among women worldwide are at a 10-year high, according to a new report.

In one of the largest studies on women’s well-being, analytics firm Gallup and medical tech company Hologic, Inc. teamed up to survey over 66,000 women in 122 countries around the world.

Study authors found 43% of respondents said they experienced worry in 2021, 41% reported feeling stress, 32% reported feeling sadness, and 26% reported feeling anger.*

Can you relate to the results of that study? Do you find your levels of stress have increased over the past couple of years and if so, do you find your levels of worry have also increased? An increase of stress or worry certainly increases your chances of feeling sad or angry. These feelings can manifest into depression, rage and even physical ailments.

What’s a woman (or person) to do?

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Madame Butterfly

Butterflies represent all positive characteristics of nature; they symbolize beauty, grace, and rebirth. Their life cycle truly epitomizes transformation.

The metamorphosis of the butterfly begins with an egg, from which a caterpillar hatches.  This larval stage is the main feeding stage, where it eats almost constantly, growing at an astonishing rate.  Reaching the ‘right size’ it finds a suitable place to attach itself and begins its pupa stage. Within the hard shell, or chrysalis, it dwells and emerges as a beautiful butterfly.

Such a transformation is awesome, unfolding exactly as nature intends, without any conscious effort.  This requires either total surrender or nothing at all.

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Life Lessons

Those who have lived before us have lessons to share. The following is a direct download from my spirit collective.

Many of us lived our lives to the fullest. We squeezed life out of each and every moment and took care to enjoy the little things in life: love, family, friendships, a roof over our heads, food on the table, someone to talk to and share our moments with.

Life flew by and before we knew it our time on earth had reached its end. It was time to move on and experience something new.

It was living each moment to its fullest that sped up time – the business of doing, the excitement of being – something to look forward to and something to give to others.

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Grateful for You!

I’m thankful for your business
and for your friendship true.

I’m grateful for our time together
and hope that you are too.

May blessings be quite bountiful,
so much to share with all.

And peace be that which warms you,
throughout our cooling fall. Read More

Animals Too!

Would you agree that our canine, feline and other non-human companions/family members are as important to as our human companions?

They have their own special way of communicating; we understand and respond accordingly. Oftentimes, we refer to them as our ‘buddy’, ‘good friend’ and ‘family’. We form tight, loving bonds and are often left devastated when our animal companions transition to cross over the ‘rainbow bridge’.

Perhaps you have lost an animal companion and experienced the exact same cycle of emotions as you did when you lost a human family member, friend, spouse or partner. I suspect you know what I am talking about. The same seven stages of grief, as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: shock or disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression, acceptance and hope, apply to the grieving process whether you grieve for a human or an animal. Read More

Success is Being Open to Receive

Among my many joys when writing my book The Spirits Speak on Success, was the contribution of our animal companions who gifted us with their voice, their story.

Day 19


It truly is amazing the number of incarnations we take on in our __________________.

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Too Late to Learn

Do you believe you have learned everything you need to know to live a love-infused, productive, fulfilled life? Perhaps you believe you have learned so much your brain is now incapable of taking in, processing and applying new information.

If you think either of those or similar thoughts may be true, please stop right here and now and think again.

I am here to tell you “The amount of information the brain can store in its many trillions of synapses is not infinite, but it is large enough that the amount we can learn is not limited by the brain’s storage capacity.” *

Are you now open to learning more?

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Be Like the Solstice Sun

Many of you are making up for ‘lost time’, the time you were previously confined to your home, the time you were unable to visit with family and friends, or the time you were simply unable to go about your business.

Nowadays there appears to be a certain type of frenetic energy afoot, people running here and there, returning to their daily routines.

But what do you think happens when you go, go, go all the time? You will most likely burn yourself out, find it difficult to catch your breath or wind up running on empty until you peter out altogether.

It does not have to be that way.

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Toughness is not without Tenderness

You need not make a choice.

Although often times one believes this is so.

We are here to tell you or rather share this profound knowledge with you, that toughness is not devoid of tenderness.

In actuality – it is often the most tender of hearts who become the toughest of skin.

Why?  You may ask.

Well, think about that for a moment if you will…

Those with tender hearts, the dreamers, believers, givers – those who love the deepest – are always the ones who fall the hardest and are hurt the deepest.

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Together Throughout Eternity

In light of our current collective psyche and as we embark upon a New Year, it is important for you to know that you are not alone.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of tuning into your loved ones in spirit to allow them to illuminate your way, provide you with guidance and strength and simply be here for you. I cannot emphasize how much they need you. And how much an open line of communication reassures them and you.

A most recent message from my spirit collective reinforces this importance;

We never leave you – you do.

We are always standing by ‘RTG’ – ready to go.

We may knock and you do not hear us, we may present ourselves to those who cannot hear, but we never leave.

And, we understand. Read More