My Mother ~ My Guide

Once upon a time, many years ago, as I was in deep meditation preparing for a spirit circle, my mother, Leah, came to me. Her question: “What would you do if I told you the reason I brought you onto this earth plane was so that I could help you from the other side?” My response: “What?” (I could not wrap my head around her question.)

She repeated her question: “What would you do if I told you the reason I brought you onto this earth plane was so that I could help you from the other side?”

My response: “How do I know I’m not crazy and hearing voices right now?” (Mind you I had been connecting and communicating with the spirit realm for many years and was used to “hearing their voices”.)

My mother: “Do you trust me?” Me: “Of course I do!” Her response: “Good. Remember how I helped you when we walked the earth plane together? Now imagine what I can do for you from this vantage point.” Read More

Resurrect Your Own Life with Help from the Afterlife

What is the afterlife, you may be wondering. Merriam-Webster defines it as “an existence after death, a later period in one’s life.” defines it as “a future life, the later part of a person’s life.” I define it as ‘life after life, from life in the physical form to life in the spirit form’. Some refer to the afterlife as life on the ‘other side’.

Janis Joplin* believes there is no such place as ‘the other side’. How would I know what Janis Joplin believes? I know because she told me so. Yes, Janis contributed her own ‘take’ on success to the many stories included in my book The Spirits Speak on Success. Janis believes there is no such place as ‘the other side’ and goes on to say “the other side is not really the other side – we are very much with you on your side – we are simply in another form – free floating, transparent, energy without matter. We are all one, and we cohabitate together. It is not the other side; it is this side without form.”

Is the afterlife a place or a state of being, or both? Read More

Happy New Year ~ Happy You Dear

The New Year typically kicks off with you making resolutions and lists of everything in your life that isn’t going well, from having too much weight, to having too little savings. Then you make list of goals, outlining your intentions.

Did you know statistics have proven that while approximately 40% of Americans make resolutions, only 8% to 10% achieve their goals? Since the odds appear to be stacked against you, why not take a different approach this year?

Rather than focusing on the areas of your life you would like to improve upon, how about you focus on the areas of your life that are going well? It has been my experience that you may easily find fault with something about yourself, something negative, and do a really good job of beating yourself up because of it. Read More

You Do Have What it Takes…

to Change the Trajectory of Your Life

I recall the session as if it took place yesterday. It was the session which changed the trajectory of my business and my life.

Although I was trained and educated in holistic health counseling, specializing in not so much as what you’re eating, but in what’s eating you, and had put the skill set I had acquired in managerial positions in corporate America to excellent use with my clients, I had never given a second thought to connecting and communicating with our loved ones in the spirit realm.

Until that session.

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Go Ahead – Take That First Step

Do you ever feel like you cannot get out of your own way and you keep making the same mistakes over and over again? You may wonder why nothing ever changes or you may be so comfortable with your patterns you don’t even notice you’re stuck in status quo. Or you may, every now and again, question your sanity.

What do you think will happen if you continue along this path?

Will you remain at the same station in life? Will your dreams go unfulfilled? Will you continue to beat yourself up because try as you might, you cannot get out of your own way?

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New Year Resolutions for All!

A new year typically inspires new resolutions. As you turn the calendar page you find yourself resolute once again. Your mind races with the thought of achieving unlimited possibilities. For many, the beginning of a new year goes hand-in-hand with clearing the slate as boundless opportunities stretch out in front of you.

You resolve to begin anew; to pay more attention to how you fuel and care for your fabulous body, or maybe you will find a new job this year, or perhaps give up an old (less than desirable) habit. Whatever you decide, you absolutely decide to pay more attention and focus on achieving your goals.

The beauty in it is that you possess the power to put your resolutions into action. How fabulous is that?  You are in complete control.  To quote Henry Ford; “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

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Yes, Virginia, There Is A Connection

In September of 1897, a curious young girl by the name of Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the editor of the New York’s Sun with a burning question; “I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?”

This excerpt is part of a wonderful response provided by the editor, veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church. Virginia’s question and Francis’ response remain my favorite story.

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‘Old Dogs, New Tricks’

There are so many lessons to be learned from the spirit realm. Lessons we were either unable to ‘take in’ when our parents attempted to teach us many moons ago – or lessons we were not ready to learn when our grandparents walked this earth plane wishing to share their experience and advice.

It is however, refreshing to know it is never too late to learn and yes, my dear, it is never too late to teach ‘old dogs new tricks’. Read More

Hallelujah and Amen!

The month of April is chock-full of symbolism, my favorite being the resurrection of Jesus. I am of the belief we all resurrect; though perhaps not in the physical sense, although that remains a conversation for another place and time. What I refer to is the resurrection of the spirit. Our spirit; the energy and vibrancy which is unique to each one of us. Not only do I believe in resurrection, I believe in the power of connection after resurrection.

As spirit beings, we have the ability to pick up where we left off, so to speak, pick up from the point of our lives ‘B.D.’ (Before Death) and connect with those we leave behind from the moment we transition.

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(There’s No Place Like) Home For The Holidays

Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze
For the holidays you can’t beat home sweet home*

Every time I hear that song I am transported back in time to the days of yore. Transported back to the days of my mother happily preparing for the holidays, bedecked in a Christmas apron, decorating the house in her usual flair and baking all sorts of cookies and sweet treats. As far as I was concerned, my mother, Leah, was the star on the top of our Christmas tree; her jolly presence set the house ‘aglow’.

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