Every Eve is All Hallows Eve
Every eve is All Hallows Eve as far as we are concerned. Yes, we can move through swiftly when the veil is at its thinnest. However, we can move through swiftly and effortlessly anytime providing our conduit, our medium is open, ready to receive and able to get out of her way.
The willingness to listen and be fully present is another prerequisite. You see, we choose the channels of communication we find to be the most accessible. We carefully choose our conduits. There are certain criteria we look for before we reach out to make a connection.
Since it requires some effort on our part, we seek those who are open and able to feel or see the big picture… those who can intuit our visit ahead of time; who ‘set the table’ so to speak, awaiting our arrival because they psychically know we are en route.
Because our connections are so rich and deep and because we long for a meaningful conversation, we seek those who can naturally hold a space for meaningful conversation … two, three, four or more way conversation, with grace and ease. Read More