New Year Resolutions for All!

A new year typically inspires new resolutions. As you turn the calendar page you find yourself resolute once again. Your mind races with the thought of achieving unlimited possibilities. For many, the beginning of a new year goes hand-in-hand with clearing the slate as boundless opportunities stretch out in front of you.

You resolve to begin anew; to pay more attention to how you fuel and care for your fabulous body, or maybe you will find a new job this year, or perhaps give up an old (less than desirable) habit. Whatever you decide, you absolutely decide to pay more attention and focus on achieving your goals.

The beauty in it is that you possess the power to put your resolutions into action. How fabulous is that?  You are in complete control.  To quote Henry Ford; “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

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Yes, Virginia, There Is A Connection

In September of 1897, a curious young girl by the name of Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the editor of the New York’s Sun with a burning question; “I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?”

This excerpt is part of a wonderful response provided by the editor, veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church. Virginia’s question and Francis’ response remain my favorite story.

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For That I Am Grateful

There once was a time when I could not fathom the thought of living without my mother. I was much younger then and my mother was alive and vibrant. She and I were two peas in a pod and life, despite our growing pains, was sweet.

My mother is dead. Well, her physical body has returned to whence it came, the soil, but her spirit remains alive and vibrant. I am no longer able to hug or hold her, but I am able to spend time with her and call upon her guidance. For that I am grateful.

There is an expression “You don’t know what you don’t know”. I never knew back then, when I could not fathom the thought of living without my mother, that I wouldn’t have to. I did not know one’s spirit lives on, remaining ever present, even after the physical body has returned to whence it came. I also did not know I could be even closer to my mother in spirit than I was when we walked this earth plane together. You don’t know what you don’t know – until you do, that is.

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Power and Possibilities Await You

What will it take for you to fully accept the power and possibilities which await you?

We, your loved ones in spirit and I, know you are out there and we know you know the truth of the matter. This article is for you. For those of you who dismiss the idea of connecting with your ancestors and loved ones in spirit, but still have a lingering curiosity and feel drawn to continue reading, this article is for you.

You do not have to wait until you are on the precipice of disaster to reach out for help. Asking for help should not be treated as a last ditch effort. You need not find yourself forced into a proverbial corner, nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, to realize you need help. That type of behavior is unsettling and wreaks havoc upon your entire system. Read More

‘Old Dogs, New Tricks’

There are so many lessons to be learned from the spirit realm. Lessons we were either unable to ‘take in’ when our parents attempted to teach us many moons ago – or lessons we were not ready to learn when our grandparents walked this earth plane wishing to share their experience and advice.

It is however, refreshing to know it is never too late to learn and yes, my dear, it is never too late to teach ‘old dogs new tricks’. Read More

Call Your Mother!

Call your mother! How often have you heard those words over the course of your lifetime? It doesn’t matter if you are young or old or somewhere in between… if you have ever had a mother or a mother ‘figure’ in your lifetime, you have heard the words “call your mother”!

If you are thinking about calling your mother right now and can do so – you may want to pick up the telephone and make that call. You know your mother will be happy to hear from you.

If you are thinking about all the opportunities you had over the course of your lifetime to call your mother, but you did not, regret not – I will help you to do so now.

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We Are All In This Together

We are all in this together and I am grateful for that knowing. There are times in your life when you experience heartbreak, betrayal and wrong doing by hurtful people. But let it be known for the record love and truth will always prevail. It is good to know and trust in the power and guidance of your ancestors and loved ones in spirit – they will never steer you wrong and always, always have your best interest at heart. Read More

Heart of My Heart

Heart of My Heart

Just because the love of your life transitioned into spirit does not mean you cannot spend some time together on Valentine’s Day. As a matter of fact, if you listen closely, pay attention to the details, and notice the signs, chances are you will realize your loved one is reaching out to you, attempting to make a date. Yes, a date. A date with you.

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Ring in the Old

There is no better time than the beginning of a new year to wax sentimental. Sure, we give thought to our loved one’s in spirit each and every day, however, when the season of love and giving comes around thoughts of our loved ones become front and center on our minds.

As you ring in the New Year, ring in old familiar feelings of love, family and connection, and call upon your loved ones in spirit to pay a visit. Because they are usually willing and able to visit on a whim or a prayer or a request, you can call upon them whenever you like. As a matter of fact, most likely they have called upon you more often than you realize or are willing to admit. Read More

Yes my Dear… Animals Too!

Would you agree that our canine, feline and other non-human companions/family members are as important to as our human companions?

They have their own special way of communicating; we understand and respond accordingly. Oftentimes, we refer to them as our ‘buddy’, ‘good friend’ and ‘family’. We form tight, loving bonds and are often left devastated when our animal companions transition to cross over the ‘rainbow bridge’.

Perhaps you have lost a companion and experienced the exact same cycle of emotions as you did when you lost a family member, friend, spouse or partner. I suspect you know what I am talking about. The same seven stages of grief, as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: shock or disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression, acceptance and hope, apply to the grieving process whether you grieve for a human or an animal.

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