Hallelujah and Amen!

The month of April is chock-full of symbolism, my favorite being the resurrection of Jesus. I am of the belief we all resurrect; though perhaps not in the physical sense, although that remains a conversation for another place and time. What I refer to is the resurrection of the spirit. Our spirit; the energy and vibrancy which is unique to each one of us. Not only do I believe in resurrection, I believe in the power of connection after resurrection.

As spirit beings, we have the ability to pick up where we left off, so to speak, pick up from the point of our lives ‘B.D.’ (Before Death) and connect with those we leave behind from the moment we transition.

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Thankful For My Spirit Support Team

I am thankful for the business I created over a decade ago, which serves not only individuals seeking to connect with their loved ones in the afterlife, by way of a reading here and there, but those individuals who seek a connection and ‘then some’.

The ‘them some’ I refer to is deep, meaningful, lasting lifestyle changes, and/or counseling, guidance and strategy to deal with life altering upsets or challenges you may find yourself suddenly embroiled in.

We achieve those deep, meaningful, lasting lifestyle changes and/or counseling, guidance and strategy by calling forth and assembling our ancestors and mentors in spirit, and creating our very own ‘Spirit Support Team’.

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Yes my Dear… Animals Too!

Would you agree that our canine, feline and other non-human companions/family members are as important to as our human companions?

They have their own special way of communicating; we understand and respond accordingly. Oftentimes, we refer to them as our ‘buddy’, ‘good friend’ and ‘family’. We form tight, loving bonds and are often left devastated when our animal companions transition to cross over the ‘rainbow bridge’.

Perhaps you have lost a companion and experienced the exact same cycle of emotions as you did when you lost a family member, friend, spouse or partner. I suspect you know what I am talking about. The same seven stages of grief, as defined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: shock or disbelief, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression, acceptance and hope, apply to the grieving process whether you grieve for a human or an animal.

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Leave a Lasting Legacy

Our ancestors and loved ones in spirit have passed down a great many traits and behaviors to you; some not so desirable, and others, your finest qualities. Those finer qualities, like compassion, understanding, good judgement, strong interpersonal skills, and a sense of humor have helped shape you and gotten you this far in life.

Have you ever given thought to how their qualities, behaviors, and beliefs may have influenced you over your lifetime and how you may be passing along those qualities to your own children?

Have you ever given thought to how you may be influencing your children, and for what or how you will be remembered?

What type of a legacy will you leave for your loved ones?

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Prepare for Your Arrival

We take ourselves with us wherever we go – whether it’s to a networking event, a family get-together, dinner with friends or the afterlife. Wherever we go – there we are.

Death is inevitable.

We will all take that journey at some point in our life, but we do not have to carry our excess baggage with us when we do. Sure, there’s no extra charge for overweight baggage, but why bother taking it when everything you need will be at your beck and call?

Are you one of the many who do not know how to let go of your excess baggage – or maybe you are not aware you are carrying it around? This baggage may be stuffed to the gills with old beliefs or behaviors you have learned to accept and even ignore.  You may accept this excess as if it is ‘your lot in life’, or your inability to forgive yourself or someone else.

Worry not – I am here to share a message from my ancestors and spirit collective.

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You Are Your Ancestors

You are your ancestors. You do what you do, say what you say, and make the choices you make because part and parcel, you are living the lives of those who have gone before you. Heck, they may even still be with you.

How many of you have heard yourself say “Oh my God, I sound just like my mother, or I sound just like my father!” (who may be living or deceased)? Chances are you do, because you are. You are your mother, you are your father. Aside from their blood running through your veins, their DNA is intricately intertwined with yours. Studies have proven that emotions, thoughts and behaviors are passed down through the generations.

So what is a person to do?

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The Lightness of Being

“Many of us go to the grave harboring resentment and never have an opportunity to say I’m sorry. Believe us when we say as soon as you arrive in the afterlife, there you are.

So what does that mean, you may be thinking?

It means you carry yourself with you wherever you go. What we were unable to ‘work’ on in the flesh, we can work out in the spirit. Our personality, grudges, and love, among many quirks and attributes, remain a part of us in the afterlife.

Many of us have never been given an opportunity to ask for forgiveness, nor offer forgiveness because you will not listen, you cannot hear our voices, we knock yet no one answers. We intend to change all that. We are reaching out and those who choose to listen, hear, and be of service are helping us. Forgiveness is the key to living a rich, rewarding life of happiness. Help us. Help you.”

This message from my Spirit Collective follows a common theme, one which they express over and over again.

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Riches Abound ~ Independence Reigns Supreme

Riches Abound! They arrive in many different shapes, sizes, colors and forms.

They arrive when you least expect them.

They arrive when you most need them.

They arrive when you could really use a lift.

They arrive as bonuses when your cup already runneth over.

Make a note of these riches, for they are miracles descending from the heavens. They are God’s way, our way, of reminding you that you have everything you need at your fingertips.

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Awaken to a New Realm of Being

What if you were to awaken tomorrow morning to an entirely different view of life and the afterlife?

What if you could connect and communicate with those who have gone before you; your spouse, relatives, friends and/or mentors who now dwell in spirit?

And what if you were able to have a two-way conversation, with an exchange of questions and answers?

Do you think you would have anything to say?

Do you think you would be interested in receiving an answer to that ‘something’ you have been wondering about for days, months, years?

What if one simple conversation had the power to heal a loved one in spirit?

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Plant Your Seed of Dreams

Go forth and prosper… our wisdom of the day.

There are many ways one may prosper – though you must step out and take action in order to begin the process.

Actually, the process begins with a thought – a desire, a dream, perhaps.

And for many, it ends right where it began… because action, the first step, was not taken.

Sure, you have heard this all before, read it in advice columns, or self-help books – this we know.

But the fact of the matter is – you do need to take the first step and many steps thereafter to make it so.

And the desire, the dream, the thought – needs to be firmly planted in the soil before it can take hold, plant roots and begin to germinate, sprout, grow.

How do you do this?

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