Experience, Strength & Hope

The key components of any effective recovery program are experience, strength and hope.

Those who have gone before us and paved the way provide that experience. We draw from their strength and take it ‘one day at a time’ hoping we too, will slay the beast.

Those dwelling in the spirit realm, our ancestors and loved ones, provide the same key components. They have paved the way and are at the ready, to offer their experience, strength and hope.

There is also strength in numbers and power in familiarity. Familiarity as in “close acquaintance”.

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Step Aside, Surrender and Let the Connection Flow

Have you been distracted by thoughts which clearly are not your own?

Awakened from incredible dreams in which you have been with a deceased loved one and you could swear they were alive and well?

Are you seeing things that call forth someone to mind, or  hearing that special song that you and your loved one shared?

Or, are you hearing their voice and shaking it off as “impossible” because they have shed their body and moved on?

Chances are you are being contacted by your loved one who is dwelling in the afterlife.

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“Don’t Look For Me. See Me.”

Once upon a time an exceptionally lively kitten by the name of Seven, took up residence with our family.



And very, very curious.

Seven was always up to something and kept us on our toes with his entertaining and heartwarming antics. We nicknamed him ‘Moses Poses’.

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Awaken to a New Realm of Being

What if you were to awaken tomorrow morning to an entirely different view of life and the afterlife?

What if you could connect and communicate with those who have gone before you; your spouse, relatives, friends and/or mentors who now dwell in spirit?

And what if you were able to have a two-way conversation, with an exchange of questions and answers?

Do you think you would have anything to say?

Do you think you would be interested in receiving an answer to that ‘something’ you have been wondering about for days, months, years?

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New Year Resolutions for All!

A new year typically inspires new resolutions. As you turn the calendar page you find yourself resolute once again. Your mind races with the thought of achieving unlimited possibilities. For many, the beginning of a new year goes hand-in-hand with clearing the slate as boundless opportunities stretch out in front of you.

You resolve to begin anew; to pay more attention to how you fuel and care for your fabulous body, or maybe you will find a new job this year, or perhaps give up an old (less than desirable) habit. Whatever you decide, you absolutely decide to pay more attention and focus on achieving your goals.

The beauty in it is that you possess the power to put your resolutions into action. How fabulous is that?  You are in complete control.  To quote Henry Ford; “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

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Yes, Virginia, There Is A Connection

In September of 1897, a curious young girl by the name of Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the editor of the New York’s Sun with a burning question; “I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?”

This excerpt is part of a wonderful response provided by the editor, veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church. Virginia’s question and Francis’ response remain my favorite story.

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Ghosts, Goblins & Grief ~ Strange Bedfellows

Halloween has always been remembered as the time of year when ghosts are astir and magic is in the air. It conjures up images of witches, pumpkins, ghost and goblins. The celebration of Halloween is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts.*

Why would anyone want to ward off ghosts; roaming or otherwise?

I am of the belief ghosts and goblins have always gotten a bad ‘rap’ and are quite misunderstood. What if we were to look at these entities through different lenses? What if we welcomed their presence and took solace in their visits?

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Take Solace in the Solar Eclipse ~ Resistance is Futile

What does being knocked on my arse have to do with the upcoming solar eclipse? Last Wednesday I awoke with a flaming hot sore throat and overall malaise. I felt energetically drained yet intrigued. How did these feelings knock me off my feet when just yesterday I was full of vim and vigor?

I couldn’t do much about my curious nature that day, because even allowing myself to think about the ‘whys’ expended more energy than I possessed in that moment, so I made a decision to surrender. Totally surrender. You see, over the years I have learned and mostly the ‘hard way’, that although to resist or not to resist is a choice, I expend much less energy when I choose not to resist.

Today I felt well enough, albeit for a brief span of time, to allow my curious nature to run free. After searching the web I have gleaned I am exactly where I am ‘supposed’ to be, as it pertains to my physical and mental well-being and the approaching solar eclipse, that is. Read More

Your Independence Begins Now

You are as independent as the ties which bind you. Your lineage dictates your behaviors and on some level directs your way of thinking. That is until it does not.

You are most likely familiar with the expressions “you are a product of your upbringing”, or “you are a product of your environment”. My theory is you are a product of your ancestors’ mindsets, beliefs and behaviors; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. And you will never be totally independent until you take the time to discern which mindsets, beliefs and behaviors belong to you and which belong to your ancestors; parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.

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‘Old Dogs, New Tricks’

There are so many lessons to be learned from the spirit realm. Lessons we were either unable to ‘take in’ when our parents attempted to teach us many moons ago – or lessons we were not ready to learn when our grandparents walked this earth plane wishing to share their experience and advice.

It is however, refreshing to know it is never too late to learn and yes, my dear, it is never too late to teach ‘old dogs new tricks’. Read More