Love or Fear – Your Choice

One cannot help but see the stark differences between our presidential candidates. Our current political arena is replete with opportunities for the American voter. The most glaring opportunity, as I see it, is the choice between love and fear.

The choice is quite simple, I do believe, if one applies a basic principle, the principle I have been applying quite effectively, I might add, over the last few decades.

I am of the belief all humans operate from a place of either love or fear. Love is easy to detect. We all know how a loving person feels, looks and acts. Fear, on the other hand, while simply the absence of love, can be challenging to detect. How does a fearful person feel, look, and act? Let’s take a look at that. Once you recognize the telltale signs, your life will take on new meaning. You will become an emotional environmentalist, saving energy every step of your way. Read More

Love Lives On

Three little sisters appeared upon our front porch 17 years ago. Their momma, Yin, was attentive, loving and managed to keep them together and safe. Their papa, Scruffy, was a “cat-about-the- hood” yet stayed close by his family and was extremely protective.

Shortly after appearing in our lives their momma was struck and killed by a car at the end of our driveway. My own mother, Leah, also died by automobile. I had an immediate, visceral connection with these motherless kittens.

Since Scruffy was not the least bit interested in giving up his cat-abouting-the-hood-adventures and becoming an indoor cat, he granted us permission to take in his children to care for them. And care for them we did.

The three sisters, Izzie, Maisie and Tigger lived well-loved, peaceful, safe lives along with several other formerly feral cats we brought off the streets and into our home. Shadow, being one of them, our “rough necking, rumble with our dogs” cat. Shadow was challenged by health issues later in his life. Maisie, one of the sisters, stuck by his side. She was with him day and night throughout his treatments making sure he knew he was loved and in good company. Read More

It’s Never Too Late…

You awaken one morning filled with an overpowering; undeniable urge to gain clarity around a situation that only one person in your life can shed light upon. If only you were able to have that one question answered, the pieces would fit together.

But before your feet land on the carpet, you pause as you remember that one person is no longer accessible. He or she transitioned into spirit. Their advice, possible solution, wisdom, call it what you will, would be invaluable and precisely what you would need to complete your puzzle and hopefully move on.

Or… will you be stuck in limbo without an answer with an incomplete puzzle forever and will you be destined to repeat the same behavior ad nauseam, spinning your wheels and getting nowhere, or will you seek an alternative, take an outside-the-box approach, or perhaps, go directly to the source? Read More

All Good Dogs…

Have you noticed lately, more and more of our animal companions are being called back home, leaving this earth plane and crossing over the rainbow bridge?

While it is comforting to know our loved ones, who are restored to perfect health, will be waiting for us on the grassy meadow, it can be heartbreaking and grief inducing, for those of us who are left behind.

I have found it comforting to take time to reflect on a life well lived, a friendship, nay, a love, which has been cultivated and cherished. It does both souls good to remember your loved one(s) in a written eulogy. This cathartic act of expression helps to ground me as I slog through my period of grief. Read More

An Extra Day in Time

If time is our most valuable asset, why do many of us disregard rather than capitalize on it? It is as if we are unable or unwilling to grasp the full value of this asset until we have nearly depleted it.

One thing I know for sure, from connecting, communicating and being of service to those in spirit, is that time is precious. Time is undoubtedly their most treasured asset. (Time and love.) Time is number one on their list of that which they wish they had had more of, while on the earth plane.

I know many of you feel the same way, especially after a loved one passes. The regret can overwhelm you. “If only I had said, done, offered, listened, helped. If only I had ten more minutes.”

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Wave of Awakenings

Now is the time for all good women to step up, step forward, carry the lanterns of light and initiate change.

We are a collective of women from past generations who have bound together to bring forth the light.

We are gathering en masse to assist through this dark period.

It is NOT as dark as the darkness of past – and it holds great possibility and hope but we must march – we are marching and we know we will make a difference –

The question is – will you? Read More

What’s In Your Bag?

As the holiday season rapidly approaches you may find yourself wondering what sort of mixed bag you’ll be receiving.

Can you guess what I am referring to when I say “mixed bag?”

Many are bracing themselves, others are waiting with open arms while others have no thoughts whatsoever on the matter.

The contents of the bags which I refer to may dictate how your holidays pan out. Will they be a delight or a disaster? Read More

It’s The Little Things

It’s the little things in life that make the biggest impacts and often go unnoticed; it’s the little things in life that bring the greatest amount of joy.

Have you been missing out on the little things in life, on the receiving and giving of the little things?

It’s no surprise, if after pausing to think about that question, you find yourself replying “well yes, I do believe I am.”

So much is happening all at once. We’ve got so much to do, so many places to go, people who depend upon us, oodles of responsibilities requiring our attention, and to top it off we are constantly inundated with “instant everything”.

Main stream media, social media, media, media, media coming at us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are spending less time with our families and more time and money on fast food takeout. As a country we spend 10% of our annual income ($110 billion dollars a year collectively) on fast food. Operative word fast. Read More

Cross The Road

ChickensThis cartoon I recently came across gave me pause. Yes, it demonstrates a sense of levity but it also demonstrates truth.

It got me thinking about the number of times, throughout my years of counseling, I have been asked why. Why did my loved one cross the proverbial road and leave me? Why did my loved one get sick and die? Why did I not have a chance to say goodbye?

It also got me thinking about how these whys pertain to not only to people but our animals. Loss is loss. Grief is grief. And while, at the time of the death of a loved one we may not all be like the cool, calm, collected rooster speaking at the funeral, we can take comfort in knowing that our loved one who has crossed over to the other side remains accessible and open to connect. That’s a transformation in which we can revel and find comfort. Read More