Happy New Year ~ Happy You Dear

The New Year typically kicks off with you making resolutions and lists of everything in your life that isn’t going well, from having too much weight, to having too little savings. Then you make list of goals, outlining your intentions.

Did you know statistics have proven that while approximately 40% of Americans make resolutions, only 8% to 10% achieve their goals? Since the odds appear to be stacked against you, why not take a different approach this year?

Rather than focusing on the areas of your life you would like to improve upon, how about you focus on the areas of your life that are going well? It has been my experience that you may easily find fault with something about yourself, something negative, and do a really good job of beating yourself up because of it. Read More

‘Tis the Season to Stress Less

The holiday season appears to have snuck up on me this year. It’s no wonder, given the whirlwind of distractions we, as a collective, have experienced over the past twelve months. It feels as if just the other day we were taking down the Christmas decorations and here it is again ‒ time to string the lights and prepare for a New Year.

I have decided to take the holidays in stride and not go into overwhelm or create needless stress in my life.

Care to make that vow with me? It’s actually a good decision to approach the season with joy in your heart and vow to be stress-less. A decision you are quite capable of putting into action with very little effort.

Pause for a moment and reflect back to the days of yore when you ran yourself ragged and charged through the holidays in a haze. How much do you think you missed out on?

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Choose to Live By the Golden Rule

How well do you know yourself?  I mean truly know yourself?  Do you like yourself?  Can you trust yourself?  And why does that matter?

We are living in an age of deep divide and disconnect. People are unsure about what to do, or where to turn. It is becoming easier and easier to lose your way and more difficult to define your purpose and make the right choices. The feeling of “it’s all spinning out of control” permeates the air.

If we, as a ‘people’ continue in this manner, I suspect all we hold near and dear will be lost and we will become a fragmented society of ungrounded, lost individuals. The collectiveness and connection in which we once reveled will become a memory of days gone by. Read More

We Thrive In Connection

We are all connected to one another, living and dead, whether we like it or not.

However, we are currently living deeply disconnected lives.

We can pretty much fulfill our needs without making face-to-face contact with the ‘outside world’ and we do a good job of ignoring all efforts made to connect by our loved ones in spirit.

You have to wonder if we are perfecting the art of solitude. And, are we doing so without our own consent? We ‘pull away’ in incremental steps and barely notice life as it becomes smaller and our dependence upon others withers away.

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The Spirits Speak – Do You? Part II

This is not the time to sit back and relax, withdraw or not say one word. This is the time to take a stand for what you believe in, be seen and speak out.

We certainly can speak out against injustices, or speak up for what we believe in, but our loved ones in spirit are not able to do so. They come forth en masse, asking us to be their voices, to speak for them, help them self-express.

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The Spirits Speak – Do You?

Spirits of our dearly departed, our loved ones in heaven, speak up and out on a regular basis. They are constantly reaching out in an attempt to make a connection and when they do connect, they sure do speak up and out!

My business is sustained primarily through ‘word of mouth’ and I know for a fact, many of my clients have been referred to me via their loved ones in spirit, (speaking up and out) of which I am appreciative.

However, we, the ‘collective people’ we, could certainly benefit from more conversations and sharing of feelings.

Not too many people are speaking up and out. Those in spirit are. People… not so much.

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The Spirits Speak on Success


  • Do you find yourself struggling to reach a level of success without knowing your definition of success?
  • Are you so wrapped up in the pursuit of material gains/goods that you have lost sight of the little things in life?
  • Have you attained colossal success and now sit on top of the world in misery and with regrets?
  • Do you sometimes wonder since “you can’t take it with you,” what is the pursuit of success all about?

What if you had the resources available at your fingertips to ask these and many other questions about success of those who now dwell in the spirit realm and who have lived through and experienced these scenarios…would you explore the possibilities, connect and seek their expertise? Read More

You Do Have What it Takes…

to Change the Trajectory of Your Life

I recall the session as if it took place yesterday. It was the session which changed the trajectory of my business and my life.

Although I was trained and educated in holistic health counseling, specializing in not so much as what you’re eating, but in what’s eating you, and had put the skill set I had acquired in managerial positions in corporate America to excellent use with my clients, I had never given a second thought to connecting and communicating with our loved ones in the spirit realm.

Until that session.

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Call Your Father

Yes, you read that correctly – call your father. While the recognized phrase may be “call your mother”, call you father has a comforting ring to it, especially when calling your mother is no longer an option, unless of course you place a call to the spirit realm, which is a possibility.

For the sake of this article, I will focus on the value of calling your father, in times of need, or in times or joy.

My mother, Leah’s death was sudden and tragic. It shook me to my core. In addition to sending

me into a state of denial and overwhelming grief, her death stripped me of any and all connection with her (or so I thought at the time). Often I would reach for the telephone to call her, forgetting she would no longer be on the other end of the line, only to put down the receiver. The reminder of her absence would become too much to bear.

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A Simple Way to Achieve Success…

What if everything you were led to believe about the definition of success amounted to a hill of beans?

What if everything you put your heart and soul into in an effort to achieve that pinnacle of success was all for naught?

What if you invested years and maybe even decades of your time climbing to the top of the mountain only to realize it left you feeling flat, uninspired and unfulfilled?

Would you rethink your plan – or do anything differently?

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