Vatican Approved

Due to the recent uptick in questions from those curious about God’s position on speaking with our dearly departed, I have decided to reprint a article from my column “Yes My Dear We Can Talk to the Dead… Allow Me to Bring Your Loved Ones Through” which was printed in August, 2010;

I recently accompanied my father to the funeral of his long time friend, which was not a new experience for me.  As a card carrying member of the baby boomer generation, I have certainly attended many funeral Masses in my lifetime. The homily during this particular Mass moved me unlike ever before, as the priest spoke of immortality.

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May the Road Rise Up

There is an Old Irish Blessing which is pulling at my heart strings as I write this little story.

It goes like this:  May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I am reminded of my paternal grandmother, Mary, a proud Irish immigrant and a fine woman, who passed on when I was a very young girl. I can still remember her round, smiling face, hair neatly pulled back in a bun. I think about the many grandparents who come through during readings for clients, offering words of encouragement, wisdom and hope.

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Love and Affection

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”

I ran across this quote, which is lovingly hand painted and was displayed on a wall hanging at a recovery shop in P-Town.

We were winding down a weekend getaway and in a totally blissed out state, when low and behold, Buddha spoke to me.

This striking piece of art stopped me in my tracks.

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Sweet Surrender

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you just have to surrender.

Time when resistance is futile.

We can hang on for dear life and insist all is well.

Insist we don’t have a problem, or care, or concern about _______________________ (fill in the blank).

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Phone Home

How many times, in the midst of a time sensitive issue, do you reach for the phone to call your mother because you know she will have the answer you need  and  stop in tracks and hear yourself say “oh damn, she’s dead”.

(That used to happen to me over and over and over again.  After all – no one loves you like your mother and no one knows you like your mother.)

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Secret to Success

Are you an Entrepreneurial Spirited Woman who has not reached the level of success with your money or your life that you believe is possible?

I totally understand and also know it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you tend to make it.

Achieving success that is.

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