Declutter Your Spiritual Space

We all have so many thoughts racing around in our minds; it’s challenging to get a clear view of anything at any given time.

Think straight?

How many times have you heard, or said the expression “I can’t even think straight!”?

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Flying is a Choice

What do you think accounts for the difference between flying and remaining in place, happiness and misery, success and failure, health and illness?

This question does not have a simple answer.

There are a zillion factors that affect our attitudes and vulnerability to include what we have inherited to what we have picked up along the way.

This conversation has been going on for centuries, and general consensus boils down to everything is within our control.  To fly, or remain in place, be happy or miserable, achieve success or failure, enjoy good health or not… are choices we make.

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Lighten Up & Take Flight

If angels can fly because they take themselves lightly, then why aren’t you able to fly?

What is holding you back?

Weighing you down?

Could it be something about which you aren’t consciously aware?


Just because you cannot see it or articulate the feelings, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

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March To The Beat Of A Different Drummer

Fitting in was never my bag. Though I longed to – I never did. I always marched to the beat of a different drummer – the drummer which is my soul’s essence.

I didn’t rail against society and its conventional standards. I longed to be seen as ‘normal’. My valiant attempts to ‘change’ and be like ‘them’ never worked.

I stood out.

I stood apart.

I wasn’t unpopular – I just never fit in.

Fitting in didn’t feel like a good fit.

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Question Everything

How often have you walked away from a conversation, left a meeting, or a get-together and thought: damn, why didn’t I ask that question? 

Then you went on your merry way racking your brain, repeating the question over and over, arriving with a slew of possible answers, not knowing which might be correct?

Add that question to your list of unanswered questions or questions to be asked at a later date.

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Love Means Letting Go

Letting go is one of the most difficult challenges we experience in our lifetime, yet the act of letting go is a demonstration of love at a very profound level.

The act of letting go of an addiction … self-love at its finest.

Letting go of an unhealthy relationship … again, self- love and deep love for the person you are releasing.

However, in my experience the greatest act of letting go is mustering up the strength, putting on a brave face and encouraging our loved one to let go, so they may become free from disease, decline, and suffering.  We gather round, our hearts aching, and hold the space in which they will transition to their new life, assuring them they are free to discard their bodies and fly high.

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