‘Tis the Season to Stress Less
The holiday season appears to have snuck up on me this year. It’s no wonder, given the whirlwind of distractions we, as a collective, have experienced over the past twelve months. It feels as if just the other day we were taking down the Christmas decorations and here it is again ‒ time to string the lights and prepare for a New Year.
I have decided to take the holidays in stride and not go into overwhelm or create needless stress in my life.
Care to make that vow with me? It’s actually a good decision to approach the season with joy in your heart and vow to be stress-less. A decision you are quite capable of putting into action with very little effort.
Pause for a moment and reflect back to the days of yore when you ran yourself ragged and charged through the holidays in a haze. How much do you think you missed out on?