Numerical Positivity
Seven, eleven, 15, 17… numbers in general elicit my child-like curiosity. I add a string of numbers together and look up their meaning. I save the slip of paper from the deli-counter* and look at the number when I return home, I see messages in numbers on a license plate – you name it, I am intrigued by them and I always need to know the interpretation of that number.
Years ago I purchased Doreen Virtue’s book, Angel Numbers 101, and to this day, I constantly refer to it. Recently I found myself thumbing through the pages to look up the number 25, as a friend of mine was celebrating an anniversary. The angelically guided meaning of the number 25 stated “As you go through major life changes, expect the best and your optimism will be rewarded.”
This immediately brings to mind advice I received during my first AA meeting, over two decades ago…“If you never have expectations, you will never be disappointed.” I’m not sure the angels are suggesting that with their guided meaning of the number 25. Read More