Always With Us

Our loved ones are always with us, in spirit or otherwise. Then why, as the holidays are upon us, do many grieve the loss of their loved one(s)?

I agree that a physical presence is potent – you can embrace, engage, converse and commiserate with a physical being. However, you can do the same with a loved one in spirit – yes, you may even embrace them!

In order to do so, you must simply believe.

How many of you think you may have had an encounter with a loved one in spirit? Perhaps you heard a voice, received a message, saw an image or likeness, inhaled a familiar scent or fragrance. When that thought crosses your mind, do you dismiss it or do you embrace it?

The choice is yours. Read More

Every Eve is All Hallows Eve

Every eve is All Hallows Eve as far as we are concerned. Yes, we can move through swiftly when the veil is at its thinnest. However, we can move through swiftly and effortlessly anytime providing our conduit, our medium is open, ready to receive and able to get out of her way.

The willingness to listen and be fully present is another prerequisite. You see, we choose the channels of communication we find to be the most accessible. We carefully choose our conduits. There are certain criteria we look for before we reach out to make a connection.

Since it requires some effort on our part, we seek those who are open and able to feel or see the big picture… those who can intuit our visit ahead of time; who ‘set the table’ so to speak, awaiting our arrival because they psychically know we are en route.

Because our connections are so rich and deep and because we long for a meaningful conversation, we seek those who can naturally hold a space for meaningful conversation … two, three, four or more way conversation, with grace and ease. Read More

Happy Sleep

Leonardo DaVinci once said “As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.” Add that quote to one of my own, favorite quotes; “We take ourselves with us when we go” and you have an ideal recipe for an excellent life and afterlife.

We do indeed take ourselves with us and as we live in this lifetime, so shall we live during our after-lifetime.

I have connected and communicated with many spirits who lived less than well spent days. They were faced with reconciling their less than well spent days before moving on to tranquility and a sense of peace. In my experience, there is no escaping the truth. I have learned your slate is not wiped clean once you transition. You take yourself with you. Let that sink in. Read More

Rise Up!

Now is not the time for complacency.

Many are feeling worn out, ground down, and listless.

Rise up we say!

Rise up and reach for the heavens. Stretch. Literally and figuratively.

Stand with your feet securely on the ground, spread a few inches apart, brace and balance yourself and reach skyward. Extend your entire self and as you do so, exhale.

Make noise and feel the space in between you cells expanding.


Rise up and stretch. Read More

Appointment Not Necessary

Do you remember a space in time when appointments to call a friend or relative were not necessary? A space in time when you simply picked up your telephone and called whomever you wanted, whenever you wanted? If you wanted to chat with a friend, or tell your mother something, you did just that?

When did making an appointment to make a call become ‘a thing’ and better yet, why did making an appointment become the only way to make a call?

It feels counter-intuitive, in a society where everything is available in the moment, on the spot, by the click of a mouse or the touch of a screen to have to schedule a date and time in order to have a conversation with someone. And to schedule, you must text, email, DM, send up smoke signals or use Morse code.

When did we become this kind of society? Read More

Alive or Dead – You Decide

Many of you know I have been connecting and communicating with our loved ones in spirit for decades and many others are surprised, shocked even, when I mention that I talk with the dead. Why do I choose the word dead when those with whom we communicate are very much with us, very much alive, shall we say?

First, please know it is not out of disrespect – many of my favorite, most beloved, people and animals are among the dead. There are all sorts of words or phrases which are used to describe those who are no longer with us on this earth plane or with us in the flesh, such as “crossed over” transitioned or “gone to the other side”. I have chosen the noun dead, as in those who no longer have a life on earth as opposed to existence after death.

Spirit has made it quite clear that a physical form is not necessary to connect and communicate with those in physical form. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. Some of my most meaningful conversations are with those who have died and vacated their earthly body. Read More

Collective Sigh of Relief

The events of these past 16 months have tested our patience, resilience and faith.
The effects of the pandemic brought out the best in many and the worst in many.

Many rose to the occasion and achieved their personal best to make a challenging period of time more rewarding and beneficial for themselves and others while many contributed to the angst, frustration and negative newness of it all.

Family and friends suffered losses – of businesses, livelihoods, health and most of all loved ones. We as a collective suffered more deaths as a result of this pandemic than deaths during World War II.

As we approach Memorial Day, “the day of honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces,” I believe it is also fitting to honor those who have lost their lives during the pandemic. I am not alone in my beliefs. Read More

Return If Possible

While reading tributes for a friend’s daughter who recently passed away (and crying my eyes out as I did) I came across this sentence “I wish RIP meant Return If Possible.” That sentence got me to thinking.

The first thought I had was how comforting is that? I am used to seeing Rest In Peace, or Rest In Power but never Return If Possible.

How many of us would want our deceased loved ones to return if possible?

Then I got to thinking, well, they can, and they do. Return that is. We simply need to trust in that process and their ability to do so, and see it for what it is worth. Read More

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;

Man never is, but always to be blessed:

The soul, uneasy and confined from home,

Rests and expatiates in a life to come.*

We are an optimistic lot by nature. We tend to hold on to our hope, though in some sobering situations, it may appear ‘things’ can’t possibly turn out the way we wish they would.

Read More

Until We Meet Again

Sweetness and light, peacekeeper and heart of our home – Charlotte Mae GilpinFord.

You stole our hearts the moment we looked into your big brown eyes, twelve and a half years ago, an abused rescue mutt from Tennessee, without a care in the world. You had so much love to give.

“Cat magnet”, “chicken love bug”, and the “great protectress”, you saw to it that we all felt safe and cared for, without even realizing that is what you were doing. Read More