Yes, Virginia, There Is A Connection

In September of 1897, a curious young girl by the name of Virginia O’Hanlon wrote to the editor of the New York’s Sun with a burning question; “I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?”

This excerpt is part of a wonderful response provided by the editor, veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church. Virginia’s question and Francis’ response remain my favorite story.

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For That I Am Grateful

There once was a time when I could not fathom the thought of living without my mother. I was much younger then and my mother was alive and vibrant. She and I were two peas in a pod and life, despite our growing pains, was sweet.

My mother is dead. Well, her physical body has returned to whence it came, the soil, but her spirit remains alive and vibrant. I am no longer able to hug or hold her, but I am able to spend time with her and call upon her guidance. For that I am grateful.

There is an expression “You don’t know what you don’t know”. I never knew back then, when I could not fathom the thought of living without my mother, that I wouldn’t have to. I did not know one’s spirit lives on, remaining ever present, even after the physical body has returned to whence it came. I also did not know I could be even closer to my mother in spirit than I was when we walked this earth plane together. You don’t know what you don’t know – until you do, that is.

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Ghosts, Goblins & Grief ~ Strange Bedfellows

Halloween has always been remembered as the time of year when ghosts are astir and magic is in the air. It conjures up images of witches, pumpkins, ghost and goblins. The celebration of Halloween is thought to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts.*

Why would anyone want to ward off ghosts; roaming or otherwise?

I am of the belief ghosts and goblins have always gotten a bad ‘rap’ and are quite misunderstood. What if we were to look at these entities through different lenses? What if we welcomed their presence and took solace in their visits?

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The Spirits Speak on Success

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear someone speak about success? What do you think it would take for you to feel successful?

You have your own definition or interpretation of success and your own markers. What does success look like? What does success feels like? What does it take to achieve success? Is it a meaningful relationship, a profession that pays well and nourishes one’s soul? How much forethought and planning is required?

The markers change as the years roll by and as you achieve success in one area of your life and subsequently in another area. You find your mate and cultivate a meaningful relationship, work toward and achieve that ideal job or business, and then you decide to focus on creating financial security, to carry you through retirement. Your markers change as your life changes.

As your markers change, so do your needs, wants and desires. Your perception of success ebbs and flows. You may not even think about ‘success’ all that much.

But what if you were presented with insight from those who have gone before us, concerning the very idea of success? Read More

Take Solace in the Solar Eclipse ~ Resistance is Futile

What does being knocked on my arse have to do with the upcoming solar eclipse? Last Wednesday I awoke with a flaming hot sore throat and overall malaise. I felt energetically drained yet intrigued. How did these feelings knock me off my feet when just yesterday I was full of vim and vigor?

I couldn’t do much about my curious nature that day, because even allowing myself to think about the ‘whys’ expended more energy than I possessed in that moment, so I made a decision to surrender. Totally surrender. You see, over the years I have learned and mostly the ‘hard way’, that although to resist or not to resist is a choice, I expend much less energy when I choose not to resist.

Today I felt well enough, albeit for a brief span of time, to allow my curious nature to run free. After searching the web I have gleaned I am exactly where I am ‘supposed’ to be, as it pertains to my physical and mental well-being and the approaching solar eclipse, that is. Read More

Power and Possibilities Await You

What will it take for you to fully accept the power and possibilities which await you?

We, your loved ones in spirit and I, know you are out there and we know you know the truth of the matter. This article is for you. For those of you who dismiss the idea of connecting with your ancestors and loved ones in spirit, but still have a lingering curiosity and feel drawn to continue reading, this article is for you.

You do not have to wait until you are on the precipice of disaster to reach out for help. Asking for help should not be treated as a last ditch effort. You need not find yourself forced into a proverbial corner, nowhere to turn and no one to turn to, to realize you need help. That type of behavior is unsettling and wreaks havoc upon your entire system. Read More

Your Independence Begins Now

You are as independent as the ties which bind you. Your lineage dictates your behaviors and on some level directs your way of thinking. That is until it does not.

You are most likely familiar with the expressions “you are a product of your upbringing”, or “you are a product of your environment”. My theory is you are a product of your ancestors’ mindsets, beliefs and behaviors; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. And you will never be totally independent until you take the time to discern which mindsets, beliefs and behaviors belong to you and which belong to your ancestors; parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.

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Rule Breaker Awards Nominee 2017

My philosophy “we take ourselves with us when we go” focuses on excavating the best damn version of who you are. Challenging the belief ‘life ends when you die’ has opened an entirely different and unique perspective on how to live.

Traditional counseling focuses on the living; my revolutionary counseling provokes thought, creates connection and conversation and brings the dead to life; providing you with no-nonsense, powerful results and has earned me a nomination for the 2017 Rule Breakers Award.

Please take a moment to cast your vote in my direction – and share with your friends, if the spirit moves you.

Click right here and make your vote count!

(Simply type my name in the Search Box: Diane Marie Ford and give me a Thumbs Up, baby.

– In order to cast your vote you will need to register. I sure do appreciate you taking the time and making the extra effort – thank you!

‘Old Dogs, New Tricks’

There are so many lessons to be learned from the spirit realm. Lessons we were either unable to ‘take in’ when our parents attempted to teach us many moons ago – or lessons we were not ready to learn when our grandparents walked this earth plane wishing to share their experience and advice.

It is however, refreshing to know it is never too late to learn and yes, my dear, it is never too late to teach ‘old dogs new tricks’. Read More

Call Your Mother!

Call your mother! How often have you heard those words over the course of your lifetime? It doesn’t matter if you are young or old or somewhere in between… if you have ever had a mother or a mother ‘figure’ in your lifetime, you have heard the words “call your mother”!

If you are thinking about calling your mother right now and can do so – you may want to pick up the telephone and make that call. You know your mother will be happy to hear from you.

If you are thinking about all the opportunities you had over the course of your lifetime to call your mother, but you did not, regret not – I will help you to do so now.

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