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My Own Worst Enemy

There are songs written and movies produced which revolve around us being our own worst enemy, but what does that mean, exactly?

What would cause that perception to be created or that point to be driven home?  What sets one up to be one’s own worst enemy? Just think about that phrase for a moment, “I am my own worst enemy.”

Is being your own worst enemy a problem, or an opportunity?  What would you do if you knew there was a way for you to be your own best friend instead?

Let’s take a look at how you might have become your own worst enemy, and allow that information to serve as a launching point to becoming your own best friend.

Self Talk: What do you say when you talk to yourself?

  • Do you praise yourself for the progress you make in your life, the determination, love of and for others, empathy, compassion, or do you beat yourself up, talk down to yourself for your “coulda, shoulda, woulda” behavior?
  • When you slip and fall down and have less than ideal thinking, or “stinking thinking”, do you remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments or do you slip further into hopelessness or despair?
  • If others, who hold different or polar opposite values or beliefs than you, happen to confront you, do you attempt to engage with them in an effort to find common ground, or are you quick to take a stand, judge or completely withdraw?
  • How about when you find yourself in need of guidance or counsel, do you listen to thyself (remembering we are our ancestors, and we are indeed, wise and loving) or do you listen to those who may not have your best interest at heart?

Self talk is the most important talk in your life. Whether you can feel it or not, you do have a deep bond with yourself and a deep love of yourself. The manner in which you communicate with yourself can move mountains or destroy lives. It is that simple.

I know for certain, we all want to love and be loved. If you would prefer to be your own best friend rather than your own worst enemy, your loved ones can help you. Whether in spirit or walking the earth plane, they have your best interest at heart.

The beauty of connecting and communicating with those in the spirit realm is that they will teach and guide you from their unique perspective and lived experiences.

There are a plethora of choices you can make, avenues you can pursue, and actions you can take. Choose yourself first, focus on your own self-talk and allow others, preferably those who have your best interest at heart, guide you along the way. Become your own best friend rather than you own worst enemy. One step at a time. One choice at time.


©2024 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this blog post to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.

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