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Step Aside, Surrender and Let the Connection Flow

Have you been distracted by thoughts which clearly are not your own?

Awakened from incredible dreams in which you have been with a deceased loved one and you could swear they were alive and well?

Are you seeing things that call forth someone to mind, or  hearing that special song that you and your loved one shared?

Or, are you hearing their voice and shaking it off as “impossible” because they have shed their body and moved on?

Chances are you are being contacted by your loved one who is dwelling in the afterlife.

Here’s the thing…

More and more spirits of our loved ones, family members and animal companions are reaching out to connect and running up against closed doors, non-believers, or deaf ears.

And not deaf ears in the literal sense, deaf in the “I must be crazy and not really hearing this”, or “I couldn’t possibly be hearing him or her – I don’t know how to do that” or “If I ever told anyone I connected with my dead mother they would lock me up!” sense.

I understand.

I’ve been there.

I, too, resisted.

That is until I surrendered and stepped aside.

And that was no simple feat, trust me.

I was continually being called upon to connect, listen and communicate – share what I was being told. On some level I thought I might be crazy – but on a deeper and more influential level, I was more concerned that others would label me crazy, so I pushed back – pushed ‘them’ away and attempted to go on my merry way.

‘They’, the spirits of my loved ones had other plans for me. They can be downright persistent and persuasive, if their intention is for one’s highest and best good. (I have also come to realize that I had a tendency to be blind to that which is for my highest and best good.)

They, my Spirit Collective of loved ones, family members and animal companions, continued to knock upon my door and visit in my dreams.

(They still visit during my dreams, but the difference is I now know better and delight in their visits, even when I awaken exhausted from our escapes… but that’s another story for another time.)

I clearly saw the signs, heard the music, and had a knowing ‘this’ was bigger than me. I began to see and feel the import of their persistence.

Did they wear me down over time?

Maybe a little… yes.

What changed for me was my own stubbornness … “What if I was to receive them, welcome them, listen to them…?” I thought.

I had everything to gain in listening.

I decided to do just that.

Invite and listen.

Little by little I began to put the pieces together and ‘get’ the importance of their reaching out.

I began to ‘hear’ the necessity of their request.

I began to understand that they were not simply hanging around or attempting to get my attention only to serve us… THEY WANT TO CONNECT AND BE HEARD.

They want their day in the sun.

They long to share and heal – and walk on a two way street with their loved ones.

They have been showing me the many ‘goings on’ in the afterlife and the plethora of spirits who long to connect.

The heavens are rocking and your loved ones are reaching out, now, more than ever. Many more of you are being contacted and we need to start listening.

If you are sensing a connection, a tap on the shoulder, a visit in a dream, or your special sign, pay attention. Please don’t dismiss it as just another crazy notion.

Trust in the process.

Believe it is so.

Do not fear you are losing your mind or hearing things, and do not concern yourself with what you think others may be thinking of you.

Our ancestors and loves ones hold the key to so many doors. They are wise, loving and compassionate.

They seek connection and completion and want more than anything to pick up where they left off.

You can help.

Listen and connect.

Or connect and listen.

Communicate as if they are sitting right there alongside of you.

Have that conversation and find out where you want to go from there.

I assure you, the possibilities are limitless.

Do you connect now?

Do you want to connect?

Hold the possibility of the exchange being effortless.

You need only step aside, surrender and let the connection flow.

Rock on!



Diane Marie Ford Certified Holistic Counselor and Spirit Medium.  Experience a unique holistic, multidimensional approach, enhanced by a dynamic blend of nearly three decades of corporate management savvy with spirit strong essence for powerful, lasting results. Solve your most pressing problems so that you can invest your precious time in what truly matters most.


©2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this blog to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.