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You Take Yourself With You

You take yourself with you wherever you go – whether it’s to a family get-together, dinner with friends, a networking event, or the afterlife. Wherever you go – there you are.

Death is inevitable.

We will all take that journey at some point in our life, but we don’t have to carry our excess baggage with us when we do. Sure, there’s no extra charge for overweight baggage, but why bother taking it when everything you need will be at your beck and call?

Are you one of the many who don’t know how to let go of your excess baggage – or maybe you are not aware you are carrying it around?

It may be old beliefs or behaviors you have learned to accept and even ignore – treating them as if they are ‘your lot in life’, or it may be your inability to forgive yourself or someone else.

Worry not – I am here to share a message from my ancestors and spirit collective.

Since there is nowhere to go but the other side; the afterlife and how you arrive there is up to you – why not begin to prepare for your arrival while you are above ground and able to take earthly action?

Why not begin to debunk the myths of how you “should and shouldn’t live” or how you “must do this or not do that”?


Forrest the KingJust recently I had the honor of witnessing Forrest, our larger than life, big black cat, transition into spirit and leave his earthly form behind in my arms. Over a period of one week’s time, Forrest had become lethargic and after two vet visits (two days apart) and a ‘death’ sentence, we opted to take him home and make him as comfortable as possible. Not only was he the ‘King of our castle’; eight feline family members looked up to him, including his heartthrob, Gracie, who adored him.

Although he chose to stop eating and drinking, he did not choose to stop living. One afternoon as I sat with him, he looked up at me with his intense green and black eyes and intuited “There is something else that can be done for me.” Not able to imagine what – I called the vet to ask. I sank when I heard the reply … “No, nothing else can be done.” I prayed. I connected. I listened.

Two days later a friend recommended a chiropractor who has had excellent results with animals – so off we went!

We were told, after the first adjustment, Forrest’s life force was vital. We were instructed to pray and bear witness for the next two days. We were hopeful. We prayed and sensed his breathing had become calmer, more peaceful. A shift had occurred. An energetic clearing of sorts had occurred. We returned for a second adjustment two days later and after the adjustment we were told to prepare for the inevitable. The following day Forrest passed peacefully in my arms, surrounded by his human, feline and canine loved ones.

I am of the belief, as reminded by my spirit collective, that Forrest needed to clear some blockages for himself before leaving this earth plane. They may have been of spiritual, emotional, physic or mental nature. I believe our collective actions assisted him in doing just that. We, his family, are forever grateful that we listened to the wisdom and desires of Forrest.  We are grateful we listened to ourselves and we are grateful we took action which allowed Forrest to clear his blockages, prior to his departure from his earthly vessel.

You, too, can create a peaceful transition. 

There is no time like the present for you to take begin to take action.

Start to consider taking action to clear the areas in your life which are creating blockages in your life-force. Some examples could be: unresolved issues with loved ones, unfulfilled dreams or desires, inability to forgive yourself or someone else, unhealed addictions, limiting beliefs, unhealthy behaviors, or regret over actions not yet taken.

Since you ‘take yourself with you’ – think about what you can do now to take the best version of yourself to the afterlife. This gift of earthly life is not to be taken lightly. Why weigh yourself down in the afterlife with excess baggage when you can clear it now? It makes all the difference in the world – this I know!


Diane Marie Ford, Certified Holistic Counselor, Spirit Medium ~ Accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Diane offers revolutionary connection and conversation with spirit.   ©2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. You may share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.

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Author of ‘The Spirits Speak on Success’.

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