Beginnings, Endings and In-Betweens

Beginnings, Endings & In-Betweens

There is life after life and that is why it is referred to as afterlife.

Life after life.



And in-betweens.

A continuum.

The circle continues.

The circle is unbroken.

The circle of life.  Hakuna Matata.

(This is one of the greatest, most profound messages I’m being asked to deliver every day.)

Yes!  There is more than ‘this’.

And yes, there is life after life.

How do we prepare?

I am of the belief we prepare each and every day.

We prepare by our actions, our thoughts, our behaviors, our beliefs.

We struggle – we resolve.

And the circle, the cycle, repeats itself… offering up one more opportunity to prepare.

Preparation is the key to readiness.

How do you prepare and are you ready for what life has to offer you?

We must have endings in order to have beginnings, unless of course, we start from scratch.  Either way,  we experience ‘in betweens’.  We’re in between thoughts, or a job, or a relationship, an opportunity.  You get my gist.  It’s how we handle the in betweens that matter most.  How we prepare for the inevitable… or don’t.

Typically, our beliefs and thoughts dictate our actions.  Imagine the types of decisions you make when you feel fearful, or think negative thoughts.  I would speculate those decisions will not be for your highest and best good.  If your judgment is cloudy, or you are contracted and closed off, you will not be able to receive clear messages from here or beyond.

We can help you detox in the finest fashion, thereby releasing toxins from all levels of your being.  Ask me how.


(Photograph: Catherine Brockbank 2004)

2 thoughts on “Beginnings, Endings & In-Betweens

  1. Hi Diane!

    I love your post today! Our energy during our “In-betweens” is the foundation and creation of our highs and lows. This is where blind trust comes into play, where we innately know where we are is for our highest and best, especially when it feels not so…

    My “In-betweens” end up where I always have my best divine inspiration, but only after I can shift into that trust!!

    Always looking for tools to help in the “in-betweens” ….Got any suggestions??

    Hmmm this would make a fantastic process or ebook!!

    Always love reading your Divinely Inspired Messages!! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Hello My Friend, so good to hear from you as always.

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your thoughts. I’m so with you and the ‘in-betweens’.

    I believe our growth occurs during the in-betweens and yes, if we are wise enough and strong enough to step aside and let God… our blind trust will never fail us.

    As challenging as some periods of growth may appear, I have found it increasingly less difficult to simply let go. And I mean – let go – as in, not picking it up again and not taking it back.

    Step aside and trust that you are exactly where you need to be.
    Sometimes we feel so uncomfortable in the ‘in-betweens’ we have the tendency to want to run.

    Remain there.
    Seek stillness.
    Enjoy the space.
    As it is in the space; the ‘in between’ that miracles occur.

    Happy New Year Marinna Rose! <3

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