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Regret or Release?

I just walked into my office and the Boyz II Men/Mariah Carey song One Sweet Day came on. That song has deeply touched me since its release which was shortly after the death of my mother.

However, today, the opening and closing lyrics: Sorry I never told you all I wanted to say…prompted me to stop and think about those of you who may be living those lyrics.

I think about those of you who are sorry because you were never given the opportunity to say all – or any – of what you may have wanted to say to a loved one who left this earth plane before you had the chance. That, for me, is a halting thought. I cannot fathom what it must feel like to never have been able to say all you wanted to say.

Are you haunted by thoughts of: if only I asked her that, or why didn’t I make the time to engage in that conversation while I had the chance, or I had so many opportunities to tell him, her, them, how I truly felt about them and now I can’t. Do those or similar questions circle repeatedly over and over in your mind?

That cycling of thoughts can become debilitating to say the least. Unexpressed thoughts and feelings will fester. We know this to be true. Unexpressed thoughts and feelings may ultimately wear you down.

How many of you are currently being eaten alive by your own self-imposed regret and/or guilt?

If you are one of the many, you can put an end to that cycle and release yourself.

Your first step is to believe.

Believe it is possible to soothe your mind and slow your thoughts down.

Believe you can create a space or reconnect to that place within your brain where you think of nothing. (More about that place, aka our default mode network, at another time.)

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. You will slow it down.

Focus on nothing but your breath. You will feel yourself shift into that quiet, peaceful space.

It is while you are nicely settled within that space that you can connect with and invite your loved ones in spirit to visit. It can be as simple as pulling up a chair and talking.

Therein a release is created. But even greater than that release is the freedom and ability to connect, communicate and express those thoughts which swirl around within your mind. Imagine being able to share your unfinished business, ask your questions, receive your answers and clear the air once and for all.

Not only will you reap benefits, your loved ones in spirit will ultimately find peace, as I have found they, too, seek connection and oftentimes resolution. They, too, benefit from communicating with you. Those I have connected and communicated with over the decades have shown that they have a thing or two to share, questions to ask of you and the need to have their questions answered. Plus, they enjoy imparting their wisdom and spending time with their loved ones.

Yes, it is not only possible to free yourself, but in some instances it is imperative for your well-being and peace of mind. You do not have to go it alone. You simply need to take the first step.



©2025 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.


Lyrics to One Sweet Day: