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Wave of Awakenings

Now is the time for all good women to step up, step forward, carry the lanterns of light and initiate change.

We are a collective of women from past generations who have bound together to bring forth the light.

We are gathering en masse to assist through this dark period.

It is NOT as dark as the darkness of past – and it holds great possibility and hope but we must march – we are marching and we know we will make a difference –

The question is – will you?

It is not the time for apathy or laziness. It is a time of great awakening and change.

There are many of us gathering and gaining great momentum –We have a cause and it includes you.

We speak of success as survival plus some.

Survival is a basic instinct. Anything and everything above that basic instinct we term as success.

Actually to survive is to be successful.

There are many who did not survive or who are barely surviving.

But lest we not demean them nor refer to them as unsuccessful – for try as they might, they failed – were opposed beaten, kept down.

The question then, would be, did they really fail – if they died trying?

We think not.

So, success, failure, try as you might, is moot. It’s a moot point.

Anything, any cause one takes up for which they fight, or take a stand – is successful.

There are many points of view and interpretations around success and the energy of success.

It is time now to pick up your lantern and go forth in the darkness, shining your light and carrying your message.

That is success.

That is success.

Getting the message of love, hope belief –

Belief in all things being possible.

Belief in the power one possesses to create or change.

Belief in a world full of love, grace and family.

March forth with your head held high – in good spirits and vitality.

You are the bearers of the word, the keepers of the light, the ones this world is depending upon IN THIS MOMENT –

We are here and growing in large numbers, here to help carry the torches and provide support, love, encouragement and strength.

Success. We need another successful wave of awakenings and sisterhood.

We need to save that for which we have worked so diligently and passionately and that for which we lovingly fought to preserve.

Many of us lost out lives in the process – over the years, Joan of Arc, and many others too numerous to mention.

We are counting on awakening the sleepy sister everywhere.

Counting on all to step up, step out and carry the torch and the message of love, belief, faith and hope.

It is never too late.

Now is the time.

We are with you.

We need you.

We need your voice.

We need your movement.

We need you to get into action.

We need you to be successful now.

[A Collective of Believers]

[This multi-generational Collective of Believers joined together to bear this message of great import.]


Day 41, Page 89 of my book, The Spirits Speak on Success.

“The Spirits Speak on Success never stops giving; it is astonishing, down-to-earth and uniquely insightful. If you have ever wondered about the meaning of success you’ll not find a more diverse and thought provoking gathering of ideas and perspectives from the ‘afterlife’, the experts on the topic from beginning to end, literally.

Each ‘speaker’ leaves no holds barred in their frank opinions  and compassionate yet firm advice to those of us still here in form. We can change for the better…  Not only do these spirits want to help us but they are readily available to teach and guide us if we simply ‘open up’ to listen. Ms. Ford provides both the platform and the podium. This landmark work stands out as an unforgettable page turner and living guide.”


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