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Time ~ A Precious Commodity

If you cannot be all things to all beings, be the best you can be to those with whom you share your life. Rather than stretching yourself thin and doing something half-baked, spread yourself thick and do it wholeheartedly. Many attempt to be all things to all beings and fail miserably or otherwise, which only makes the situation, or yourself, worse off.

While there is something to be said for spontaneity – bravo – there is also something to be said for thinking things through and moving forward with forethought and gusto.

Time is your most precious commodity and often time gets shortchanged because you live with the illusion that it is plentiful and never-ending. That is what you are led to believe. However, that is not the truth of it all.

In the world of the living time is a precious commodity and how you choose to ‘spend it’ makes all the difference in the world. It is all up to you.  That is why we caution you to spread yourself thick and invest your time wisely, thus yielding the most beneficial results, not only for you, but for those with whom you share your life.

The afterlife is different. We depend upon the kindness of strangers, so to speak, to connect with us and hold the space for conversation with those with whom we share our lives in the living realm.

Time is a powerful commodity, something which comes freely but is often squandered.

If you cannot be all things to all beings, think about what you can be and how to make the most of your time. There is absolutely zero judgment here, simply an opportunity to reflect…

  • Are you spreading yourself thin?
  • How do you feel at the end of a day?
  • Do you value your time?
  • Do others value your time?
  • Are you giving as much to yourself as you give to others?

Time is a precious commodity and is non-refundable. It is never too late to reflect and reevaluate your lifestyle. Spreading yourself too thin is a recipe for regret and as you know, we have been placed here to experience joy, love and peace.


Musings with my Spirit Collective

©2022 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Please share this blog post to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.