Happy Sleeping pexels-burst-545016_930x435

Happy Sleep

Leonardo DaVinci once said “As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.” Add that quote to one of my own, favorite quotes; “We take ourselves with us when we go” and you have an ideal recipe for an excellent life and afterlife.

We do indeed take ourselves with us and as we live in this lifetime, so shall we live during our after-lifetime.

I have connected and communicated with many spirits who lived less than well spent days. They were faced with reconciling their less than well spent days before moving on to tranquility and a sense of peace. In my experience, there is no escaping the truth. I have learned your slate is not wiped clean once you transition. You take yourself with you. Let that sink in.

You may be forgiven for transgressions, but you will continue to work with your issues until you are satisfied. Those who live a bitter, contracted life carry that bitterness with them and conversely, those who lived a loving, caring, open-hearted life typically enjoy the same in the afterlife.

Our loved ones in spirit reach out to us with all of their character flaws and attributes. And there is great benefit in that. They need us as much as we need them. For example, if you are grieving, your happy-go-lucky, well-adjusted loved one in spirit will pick you up and carry you through. If your loved one in spirit is still bitter or miserable they may look to you for connection, understanding and oftentimes forgiveness. Are you beginning to see how this works?

We need one another and most assuredly, we need to live our best life while we travel in the physical form on this earth plane. Our best life includes making the most of each day treating all sentient beings with kindness, compassion as well as love while mastering the art of giving and receiving.

As Osho stated “The real question is not whether life exists after death… The real question is whether you are alive before death.”

That quote, along with DaVinci’s and mine give you reason to pause and assess your current mindset, lifestyle and behaviors.

Happy Sleep pexels-karolina-grabowska-6660788Do you feel joy in the moment? Do you know how to tap into joy?

Do you treat yourself and all sentient beings with compassion, kindness respect and love?

When you place your head of your pillow at night, will you sleep the happy sleep for a day well spent?

If you are unable to respond in the affirmative, reach out to me. I am confident I will be able to guide you to your own place of joy, love and happiness so you, too, will sleep the happy sleep for a day well spent.

It is not far-fetched at all and your loved ones in spirit will always lend you a hand.



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