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Alive or Dead – You Decide

Many of you know I have been connecting and communicating with our loved ones in spirit for decades and many others are surprised, shocked even, when I mention that I talk with the dead. Why do I choose the word dead when those with whom we communicate are very much with us, very much alive, shall we say?

First, please know it is not out of disrespect – many of my favorite, most beloved, people and animals are among the dead. There are all sorts of words or phrases which are used to describe those who are no longer with us on this earth plane or with us in the flesh, such as “crossed over” transitioned or “gone to the other side”. I have chosen the noun dead, as in those who no longer have a life on earth as opposed to existence after death.

Spirit has made it quite clear that a physical form is not necessary to connect and communicate with those in physical form. Quite the contrary, as a matter of fact. Some of my most meaningful conversations are with those who have died and vacated their earthly body.

Because I receive messages from spirit on a daily basis I am able to vouch for the following truths:

Those in spirit;

  • Are no different than us in many ways.
  • Have full use of five senses plus a few additional senses.
  • Are very much alive, however not in the physical sense.
  • Laugh, love and experience many of the same emotions they always have.
  • Can help us and need us to help them.
  • Seek companionship, reconciliation and sometimes forgiveness and closure.
  • Appreciate being seen and heard – just like us.
  • Long to connect with those in the living world.

What that being said, you may want to pay particular attention to any inkling that a loved one is reaching out. It may be as simple as special song on the radio, or a sign they share with you, such as a cardinal or hummingbird appearing out of nowhere, or perhaps you hear the voice of someone who is in spirit. Please know, you are not imagining this, you are simply receiving messages from those in spirit.

Their signs are precious and filled with promise.

Alive or Dead … you decide.


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