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Begin Where You Are

Begin where you are.

There is no better starting point than where you are.
And only you are where you are.

So – you are starting at the ideal place with the ideal resources…

Where you are.

With yourself.

What is the best advice you could or would give yourself in this moment?

And would you listen to that advice?

And them would you put it into action?

We believe you would.

We believe you will.

We believe you have.

Most often than not “we” give our power away, or we do not believe we have any power, i.e., we are powerless.

But that is simply a belief.

And beliefs come and go, so to speak.

You can change, alter, transform and/or release any belief you once had. They (most of them) come and go and are limited, and yet, we hold onto them for dear life. We fight to believe in something which may have served us or no longer serves us,

We say ‘we’ or ‘us’ because we, too, have experienced exactly the same lessons we share and that is the beauty on all of this.

Begin where you are.

Beliefs can come along for the ride, take a look at the possibility of changing or get fully on board, perhaps.

We all have what we need.

We need to be reminded of that, especially during the periods of time when our beliefs and our knowings are being challenged.

You’ve got this – you always have!

Begin where you are.

You are in great company.

© 2019 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. Teachings and Musings from my Spirit Collective. Share this blog to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.