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The Spirits Speak – Do You?

Spirits of our dearly departed, our loved ones in heaven, speak up and out on a regular basis. They are constantly reaching out in an attempt to make a connection and when they do connect, they sure do speak up and out!

My business is sustained primarily through ‘word of mouth’ and I know for a fact, many of my clients have been referred to me via their loved ones in spirit, (speaking up and out) of which I am appreciative.

However, we, the ‘collective people’ we, could certainly benefit from more conversations and sharing of feelings.

Not too many people are speaking up and out. Those in spirit are. People… not so much.

Self-expression is a necessary and often overlooked outlet. Too many people are walking around holding in their feelings or thoughts while illnesses are popping up all around us. Your repressed feelings or frustrations don’t disappear because you choose to not talk about them – no, they plant their seeds and eventually grow into various outward manifestations of whatever you are repressing, or burying.

For example, according to Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, the probable cause of diabetes is “Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.” Louise does provide a New Thought Pattern for you to focus on and repeat in an effort to address this cause, however, the point I am making is that since mental thought patterns form our experience, you can begin to address and redress your issues simply by speaking up and expressing yourself.

dove-3426187_1920I applaud those in spirit. They’ve ‘been there, done that’ and they speak from firsthand knowledge. Many have come to realize the power in forgiving their trespassers, letting go of a grudge, and they do not hesitate to course correct, while doing their best to help you to unburden yourself, which begins by addressing an issue and expressing yourself.

There is a freedom in opening a dialogue and speaking your mind, expressing your feelings, and allowing others to do the same. Therein lies a gift, a gift perhaps unlike any you have ever received.

Are you feeling overwhelmed or repressed? Have you thought about the possibility of opening up, allowing yourself out while allowing others in?

If this article speaks to you, if you are feeling a pull, a tug, or just the least bit emotional, you may want to consider taking action to begin to free yourself. Start out slowly and give thought to who/what may be causing your feelings or emotions to stir. Write down those thoughts and allow them plenty of space to breathe.

When those thoughts have had ample time to breathe (your instinct will let you know) think about who/what may be causing your feelings or emotions to stir and what your relationship is to that person, place or thing. Is it a relationship you need to nurture or rekindle, or is it a relationship you need to bless and release?

If you have responded in the affirmative and are willing to ‘do the work’ give yourself a pat on the back and let’s dig in.

Are you willing to commit to achieving a positive, life-altering outcome? If yes, write about what that will outcome will look and feel like, and include all the smallest of wonderful details.

Please give this process plenty of thought, love and all the positivity you can muster up. You will be on your way to a self-expressed, peaceful, long-lasting resolution.

I would love to hear from you. Reach out and share your results with me. Diane@ListenToThyself.com


©2018 ALL Rights Reserved. Listen To Thyself with Diane Marie Ford. You may share this article to your heart’s content, but please do not use it without my written permission. Thank you.