A Resolution or a Promise

A Resolution or A Promise – You Decide

Resolution: The quality of being resolute, showing great determination.  A mental pledge, something one intends to do.

Promise:  A declaration that we will give or do or not do a certain thing.  An indication of something that may be expected to come or occur.

Out of curiosity, which statement; I promise to _______________________________________ (fill in the blank) or, I resolve to _______________________________________ (fill in the blank) resonates with you the most and why?

From our perspective, the promise statement feels more connected to one’s integrity.  And as we ‘kick off’ a new period of reflection, we will focus on the word integrity.

What does that word conjure up for you?

As entrepreneurial spirited business women, integrity must be a cornerstone of your business.  And we’re not talking about how you interact with others, today we are talking about how you interact with yourself – the chief cook and bottle washer, the CEO, CFO, Marketing Director and HR Director, the think tank and implementer, the gal who brings home the proverbial bacon and fries it up in a pan.  (Disclaimer: Though we find that image to be offensive we use it in this case because it is relatable to a certain niche audience.)

As a solopreneur, you do it all.

You know what we’re talking about.

When it comes to integrity around you and your business, how would you rate yourself?

And speaking of rating yourself, when was the last time you actually sat down and performed an honest assessment of all your skills and goals?

For those of us fortunate enough to have a corporate mindset, business acumen, and experienced quarterly assessments and annual performance reviews, you are aware of the value of those processes.

Though for some, in anticipation of one’s annual review the feeling of dread may come to mind, but for most, the feeling of “oh ya, I’ve got this” may ring loud and clear.  Many, not only met their objectives, many exceeded!

Your written goals and objectives were reviewed with your manager/director and a commitment was made to give it your best shot.  Your word was witnessed and intention supported.   You were ‘all in’ and determined to rise to the challenge.  Integrity was a cornerstone of your work ethics.

Your word was your word.

It meant everything to you.

More than likely, you also made a silent promise to yourself.  (Are we correct?)

Off you ran, fully aware of the promise you made, fully knowing your results, once achieved, would be rewarded.

For many that corporate structure no longer exists.  It is only you and your network of ‘fellow’ entrepreneurial spirited business women – and although they are invested in your success, they are not so much invested in you achieving your bottom line,

How do you remain in integrity with yourself?

How do you remain in integrity with your plan to achieve the goals you have laid out – for this quarter or the next?

Have you promised to achieve a certain benchmark, yet get caught up in day to day activities – and oh!, how wonderful to be self employed – you can do what you want to do, whenever you so choose, walk the dog at high noon, go to the movies with your children on their day off, have a telephone conversation with a friend whenever the mood moves you.

That is all wonderful – but not if you are slipping out of integrity with yourself.

Let’s continue to focus on that word – integrity.


And let’s keep ourselves grounded this year.

Let’s make ourselves accountable and reach those goals.  Exceed those goals.

Celebrate and reward yourself when you do.

We will help you in the process.
Simply ask.

(Musinings from my Spirit Collective.)