Because I'm Happy

Because I’m Happy

Just How Happy is Happy?

And is enough happiness enough?

Is too much happiness too much?

And is there such a state of mind or being – to be or to experience too much happiness?

Pharrell Williams sings about happiness – as a matter of fact he has created a happiness revolution in a way.

There is something about the combination of his lyrics and the music that sparks the feel good endorphins within the majority of humans and they can’t help but tap their toes, move their bodies and sing along all while being energetically escalated to a higher realm.

Is that too much happiness or is it just the right amount of happiness?

This leads me to the next question…

Does the ‘right amount’ of happiness need to be administered around the clock?

In small doses?

In big gulps?

And how does one know when a shot of happiness may be required?

If one receives a steady, healthy dose of happiness – or the elixir of happiness – would that suffice… sort of like eating a daily dose of greens and grains?

Is happiness a food, drug, feeling, state of mind?

Can it be accessed on a whim, or purchased with the right coin?

So many questions.

Happiness is essential, yet do we need an equal amount of unhappiness, sadness, or the like, to be properly balanced?  For example, yin and yang, black and white, sunshine and rain?

If the answer is ‘yes’ – do we actively pursue the unhappiness or does it automatically occur in just the right amount of dosing without another thought?

Are you happy and if so, what does that look, feel and taste like?

Can you share it or do you hoard your happiness?

They say it is best when shared and it grows exponentially.

Do you know how to create happiness in your life or do you need others to plant your seeds?

Happiness, the ever elusive butterfly.

Do we recognize it when we are smack dab in the middle of it?

Do we squander it when we have more than we can handle?

Is happiness a friend of yours and can you call upon it at any time?

We’d like to hear your thoughts.

[The we in “we’d like to hear your thoughts” are my Spirit Collective.  I enjoy bantering with them and welcome their Divine Downloads*  on a regular basis.  A curious, playful energy full of questions, advice and guidance.  So, come on – let’s hear it from you!  Thanks!]  (I refer to *Divine Downloads as sources of inspiration and shared thoughts sent from the minds of my Spirit Collective or singular spirit, to mine.)