May the Road Rise Up

May the Road Rise Up

There is an Old Irish Blessing which is pulling at my heart strings as I write this little story.

It goes like this:  May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I am reminded of my paternal grandmother, Mary, a proud Irish immigrant and a fine woman, who passed on when I was a very young girl. I can still remember her round, smiling face, hair neatly pulled back in a bun. I think about the many grandparents who come through during readings for clients, offering words of encouragement, wisdom and hope.

My Nana has also visited me from the other side and shares her stories and experiences with a lightness of being.

What makes spirits tick?

What inspires some to come through on a regular basis, others visit once in a blue moon and others, next to never?

Do we actually have anything to do with that?

Maybe we do.

During our group spirit reading support circle, Calling All Souls, we literally call forth the souls of our dearly departed. By simply calling out their name(s) or holding the thought of them in our mind, they seem to receive our energetic invitation.  Whether or not they accept is their choice.

However, I have found most welcome our invitation to connect.

Spirits want to connect.

They want to help us.

They want us to help them.

It really is a two way street, a give and take, a perfect blending of yin and yang energy.

I believe we mortals need to reach out more often to those with whom we want to connect and invite them to continue to share in our lives. 

We need to listen more and question less. 

Trust their signs, messages and the ‘coincidences’.

We all have the capability of speaking directly with our loved ones.  We may do so through prayer, meditation or as we’re cruising in our car, or gardening in our yard.  

I think I will reach out to my Nana. 

March is a perfect month to call upon a leprechaun.